Opie ruined the replays. Middle-of-the-road Jim is boring. Post-Obama-election Anthony is a different, less funny person. i think im done with OandA

0  2017-12-11 by lobotomy75

im drunk right now. Peckas


You’re one of those melodramatic doomsday drunks? A few sips of beer and you’re proclaiming life as we know it is about to end and what does it matter, it was all a fucking lie, a big fucking lie that I bought into when I was young and hopeful and romantic and everything seemed so bright and sunny and cheerful with blue skies for days but now I realize it was all a mirage and I’m a sucker who was duped who fell in love but who was never loved back, so the world must fucking burn

nah opie ant and jim just suck now and kinda ruin any good they did before

I don’t get this, I hear people say it a lot. I love listening to the old shows.

i'm over 4 years in of listening to the old show, and i've narrowed it down to Colin appearances and tefftpattern livestream.

Are ya?