Anthony's enjoying his Seinfeld box set.

126  2017-12-10 by RBuddCumia


That might be funniest thing I've seen today

Look in the mirror.

HAHAHA HOOOLEEEEE SHIT. I think you outta be on that DVD cover funny man


Arrrgh ye f'got the " p " Arrrgh


Murdered that sock cucka

Jerry has a firm butt. That along with the tight jeans and cleanliness means he is probably a homosexual. "Not that there is"...., oh screw that.

No gay would wear shoes like that.

This image is so old, you're either a teenager or British

George has a huge fuckin pecker

What's the deal with box sets? There's only one box, but they still call it a set.


The Kramer tapes O&A compilation where Ant does the Jesse Jackson apology, is some of the best shit I ever heard on O&A.

He must've ordered from somewhere other than Deep Discount... that place don't deliver shit.

Family Video. That fucking place is expanding where I live.

This is glorious

Family video

It's time for an AA show with Michael Richards. I don't think you can fit so much racism into one episode.

They call it a fartbox set

It's funny because Anthony paid a twenty-something young man who was under the alias "Sue Lightning" to roleplay assfucking a preteen girl with him.

Not that there is anthing wrong with that.


Ant was probably secretly disappointed that "The Outing" episode of Seinfeld was about a misunderstanding that made people think Jerry and George were gay. Maybe if two of his favorite fictional characters came out of the closet together he could tune out daddy's voice in his head and be who he really is.