
133  2017-12-10 by Tom_Stall


This is my kinda post.


This unfunny human skidmark hangs onto the comedy scene like a axe body spray covered skintag. Even his name is as bland as one-ply shit tickets. Fuck Dave smith. Dave smith fucking sucks.

I'm not sure what you mean by a lot of that, but I agree wholeheartedly.

Almost as pretentious as the person he ois mocking.

Dude did you ever think of like, suppose we like, had, like, no taxes bro seriously

Taxation is like, theft. You know?

What does Travis have to do with this?

He probably doesn't even make enough money to pay taxes


"It's literally insane that we pay taxes. Like, it makes no sense. Why are we okay with having money taken out of our wallets just because someone tells us we have to. Like, there are lots of ways I'd like to spend that money. Why does someone else get to decide how to spend my money?" -Idiot who rides public transportation

And if you don’t, like, pay these ridiculous illegal taxes, the government will LITERALLY put you in a cage.

"I need a license to drive? What's even the point of that? Like, does it make you safer if other people have a license to drive their cars?" - Man whose questions are easily answered

You're using an ironic tone but the thing you're saying is true.

My brother is a Dave Smith type and he tried to argue against the government using tax dollars to take care of orphans because it's not their job and the greater social fabric will take care of any child that doesn't have a parent or guardian. It's the same type of idiot that literally benefited from the affordable care act but will say the governments holding a gun to his head.

These libertarians are dumb.

Ever since jim called Dave "background noise", that's all I here when I listen to LOS. He really is just background noise on that show

Agree. I just see jew lips moving. I don't even hear what he's saying.

Hey now, he repeats everything Louis says in s ridiculous voice. That has to be worth something.

Luis*, but yes, he thinks that is incredibly funny.

Louis works too.

Louis doesn't even know who Dave "Background Noise" Smithowitz is.

Cartman impression

Honestly his Luis voice is the only thing I've ever found funny. If it weren't for Luis, I'd have no love at all for LoS.

I remember someone referred to him as 'a tough street kid from brooklyn' . i forget who it was maybe early LOS episode or something.

I think that episode might be called “Street Kids”and Norton was the guest.

Now thats irony for you

This guy's a problem.

It’s also faggotry that I can’t download said podcast because they limit you to the last 10. What a crock of shit. Edgelord fucks

"I grew up on the streets and was raised by my parents"

yeshiva bucha

Uh how about you like read a a book by uh Rand, or some old guy uhhhh whats his name. You know that guy Murray Rothberg yah him! My entire crew has the combined self-awareness of Kathy Griffin.

Chip is unfunny cringe bullshit

Yeah??? YOU ARE!!!!

That’s the joke, dummy.

Thanks, cuz! You just reminded me to watch tonight's episode. Word em up


Hipster bitch

Dude man, like laws are prisons.

Cool. Same post again.

"I'm a Libertarian Comedian"

free market laissez-faire lmao

"I'm a Libertarian Comedian"

May your ovens always be warm and your showers always be full.

I bet this douche read Atlas Shrugged in high school and thought he was an intellectual.

You’d be wrong

slowly puts sunglasses on

You cant even rip on a guy whos thay big of a fucking fag, he wont comprehend it. Thinking that is acceptable is just too big of a problem. Deep seeded faggotry

love to know what his financial safety net is (rich parents or relatives?) These comics act like people don't know what things cost

Do you guys think Lauren’s a good lay?

If you were a good lay would you settle for Dave Smith?


The Chip cuck

Does it make me racist that his smug face doesn't near annoy me in the way kumail nanjiani's face does?

Not at all. In fact, it makes you a great person.

The market will ensure that everyone will literally be holding their sides.

Libertarianism is boring and for high schoolers.

This place really is an effortless karma farm.

If we upvote this image enough, it will be the top result when people Google 'faggot'.

Lauren pulverised his balls with her chin.

im wondering how long it will take soder to figure out that he has an anchor around his neck hanging out with these fucking bores.

The year is 2025.

"And if you haven't seen it yet, check out my special libertas!"

hate to be this guy but can someone link me to video/audio of him trashing lil Jimmy? because I couldn't find it through my subpar googling skills

I'm a lolatarian,we don't need roads,no government fi;res will just burn themselves out. maybe we need the government to intervene when a gay man's delusion makes moves on my girlfriend,but other than that...

this sub has lowest effort to karma ratio

Now thats irony for you

This guy's a problem.