Update on the mentally retarded girl from yesterday. TEEF!

0  2017-12-10 by I_Was_Knickers


/u/Tyre_4770, comment?

What the fuck are you doing?

Haven't you seen two people in love?

No =(

I'm convinced this new knickers is trying to get us shutdown.

Better than religious Knickers, worse than Chinese Knickers.

Chinese Knickers grew on me. Some how. So did "send me your dick pic" Knickers.


Get a job, aspie.

Been trying, fuckhead.

Luckily she's a lesbian they're interested in gaps.

This sub is going to hell


I wasn't far off saying I would rather fuck Stalker Patti.

You wanna know why I'm missing teeth?

Adderall. I was on it as a child for ADHD. It fucked my teeth up so badly. I brush my teeth daily like any normal person.

Honestly it doesn't hurt me anymore when people talk about my teeth, but I mean, y'all are beyond fucking rude. I hope your sub gets shut down.


Better than religious Knickers, worse than Chinese Knickers.