Joe Rogan's best friend and fellow Onnit business partner is accused of sexually assaulting another grown man, birds of a feather flock together...

42  2017-12-10 by disawayisthrows


HOEEE LEEE SHITTT i thought on of you guys shortened him for that picture with the red line but he really is that fucking short

That is one of the funniest videos ever.

Ugh, in his most recent Instagram post, he put up a quote from himself:

He's a confirmed 5'7 btw

That's shorter than 5'7"

Fuck, thanks for catching that. I take that shit seriously.

I remember listening to fighter and the kid podcast about a year ago and they were talking about someone they knew who was into swinging and having other guys fuck his girlfriend, I'm pretty sure it was this creepy conman.

Out of all Rogan's regular guests/friends, Aubrey is the most insufferable.

Yes, worse than Callen & Schaub. Guy offers nothing.

Callen is such a smug, pseudo intellectual little faglett. I haven't seen any episodes with Aubrey, so I'll have to take your word for it.

Aubrey chanhed his name from Chris after a DMT trip and calls himself a warrior poet. Pure douche, pure snake oil salesman, and boring as fuck. He is so much worse than Bryan "My dad is a banker and i believe everything the government says" Callen

They both seem to be on the down low, they should hook up a mix AIDS with each other..

The only reason Aubrey even got to meet Joe was because his Dad is the CEO of fleshlight.

I don't care even if that's true, but that is gonna be my new go to diss for explaining mediocre people's success

ari is worse than callen tho

Duncan Trussel will give you ear cancer.

i was at a bar and this guy was drinking there alone talking to the bartender about how he was going to a bryan callen show on his birthday. I couldnt believe it

calls himself the "warrior poet".... That's cool though

It's like "Hipster Gay".

"In my brief interactions with Aubrey Marcus, he seemed extremely genuine. I believe him when he says he reached out to Travis."

This is a guy who changed his name to Aubrey Marcus after he got high. He also sells snake oil with the help of Rogan. This guy may be one of the least honest people on the planet.

Onnit gives off so many red flags. Joe should have bailed 2-3 years ago.

Joe for sure has had sexual relations with aubrey. He's just not going to walk out on his mans like that.

Joe is involved with it to make money off his pothead listeners. Why would he bail?

just the name Onnit is a jailable offense...

No one seems to be denying Aubrey propositioned the guy. Just that he didn't have him removed from EBI because he turned him down.

Interesting crew Rogan surrounds himself with.

Do ya reckon the warrior poet might be gay?


Aubrey Marcus Isn't even his real name

Ugh. Queer.

Aubrey was his middle name, he dropped his first name and kept his middle. He's a special snowflake.

I saw this shitdick’s girlfriend on one of the fighther companion pods and I remember thinking she looked like a fag hag. Definitely could see him being gay.

Crazy that the guy that coined "warrior poet" and invented the product alpha nails is an aggressive closetted homosexual.

Bunch of Nancy's

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(1) What is a Warrior? (2) Rogan Shooting Stars +8 - Here's another link: The individual in question was responsible for giving us this. He is also present in this video gem, standing next to Joe Rogan, he's only 5'7 by the way..
Joe Rogan and Aubrey Marcus- Fitness Equipment Overview +6 - The full workout video here, dat chemistreee between the two. It's worth watching, for sure

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The dude who dumped his fiance after the DMT "spirit" told him that she wasn't right for him is gay?! Shocker.

HOEEE LEEE SHITTT i thought on of you guys shortened him for that picture with the red line but he really is that fucking short

I don't care even if that's true, but that is gonna be my new go to diss for explaining mediocre people's success