The "Ang" in Artie's tweet is "Angel"....The Puerto Rican drug dealer currently getting our pig plump.

17  2017-12-10 by spave_427

That beaner has Artie's nose looking like a potato


I miss regular nose Artie

The show was much better when Artie had a regular nose

Management LOVES the new direction of the nose, nice try with the hate tho.

Do you think they'll be able to get that nose into the city?

It was Ang Lee!

The whole shabang started when Lange rang Ang to audition for the 'Thrilla in Manila' film. But Ang banged Lange so the fat bitch sang to the pressgang on twitter.

True Story.

I wish you'd hang, mang.

You wouldn't like him when he's anglee

I prefer the theory that Ang was meant to be Ant since g is right under t on a keyboard.

Hey man keep potatos out of this

I was disappointed he wasn't attacking Keith's wife.

Where we at with the Peppy Chimpers?

i wonder if he ever looked into heroin harm reduction. theres a bunch of stuff you can take that not only give you protection they can also lower tollerance

His drug dealer has Twitter?