Do you think Jimmy has brought his "girlfriend" around his comic friends?

19  2017-12-10 by jaimieand87

The thought of him doing that makes me cringe.


He for sure has introduce the fella in the dress to ole crater face

That awkward moment when you've bought Chaturbate tokens for your friend's girlfriend.

That awkward moment when your friends new tranny GF is your brothers teenage daughter

Didn’t Colin or someone give Jim shit for the way that he flaunts the women he sees around his comic friends like they’re supposed to pay him respect in front of her as if he’s this fucking hero

I think that was Patrice.

"Be respectful! ...s-shut up spaaaaaaaaayde..."

She isn't allowed in the US. He did show Bobby Lee the pics and he is the one who, in my fucking opinion, really started this outing of a cat-fished retard rolling! Jim is a Loser.

What did Bobby Lee say?

Ching Chang Chong type stuff

On some podcast (maybe his own idr)He said he saw a50 year old comic he's been friendly with over the years that was parading his new girlfriend (or showing pictures around claiming its a girl) and it was undoubtedly a male with a full working peckah. He didn't mention Jim by name but Jim was on the west coast at the time and that's the time jimmy came back from out west and said he had a falling out with a person he used to be friendly with. It was around the time the sub first got suspicious of jims new gf and The sub put two and two together.

I thought Bobby said the comic (who was from the east coast) was open about it being a tranny?

Yeah unless there's more than just what Bobby said on whatever podcast I doubt he's the one Jim fell out with, dude was actually fairly respectful

Why isn't she allowed in the US but can go to Canada? Did 'she' do something to cause this?

I think I read here that she has a drug charge that's preventing her from entering America

I think I read here that she has a drug charge that's preventing her from entering America

Where can I find pics of jimmys gf? You fags keep mentioning him and now Im curious as to what this hunk looks like.

Just use the search function on the sub, you fucking dolt.

You've definitely seen him. Y'know: wields a hammer, fights alongside Iron Man and Captain America.....

The Hulk?

Ehh Close enough

They are over. This was discussed. Keep up folks

What friends? Anthony?

Yeah unless there's more than just what Bobby said on whatever podcast I doubt he's the one Jim fell out with, dude was actually fairly respectful