Who's gay in the O n A /Stern Universe?

0  2017-12-10 by WhippingHuskies

Jim, Roland, High Pitch Eric, Elegant Elliot, Stuttering Mike

Bi- Colin, Anthony, Ralph, Casey, possibly Bob K, Rogan

Agree or Disagree, or anymore suggestions?



Everyone of their fans are confirmed faggots.

Roland at least trys to fuck women. He just a disgusting slob

It's K.C.

Lil Yimmy Morton

You forgot Sal and Richard

Don't think either is gay, just obsessed with the show to the point where they'd do anything for it.

For someone who follows “comedy” shows, and posts in this subreddit, “comedy” seems to be lost on you....

They hypnotized Sal and Richard a while back. One of the suggestions was who they would go gay for, Sal had to be lead into saying he'd make out with Howard, Richard immediately said he thought Fred was hot. Idk about Sal, but Richard is definitely gay

Cruisin’ Colin*

Ju-ju-ju-julia, you're uncontrollable! WooOOAAaahh WooOOAAaahh. Can't forget intern Noah. Also you can throw Danny Ross in the gay section, there's no way him and Anthony weren't thumbing each other's butts during their gay slumber parties


Norm Macdonald is a deeply closeted homosexual man

really? I never got that from him.

No way, he' straight as an arrow.