Was Artie’s tweet about Anthony?

26  2017-12-10 by Assjols

This just dawned on me so sorry if it has already been brought up but was Artie trying to type “Ant” instead of “Ang” when he tweeted “Hey I got a quick message for u Ang. U ain’t the man. U run for the man. I fear nothing.”?

The g is right below the t on the keypad. Was that tweet directed at Anthony?

Is it possible Anthony said something to Artie about work and Artie was going to go next level like he did when Stern told him to take a leave of absence?


No date tonight?

Can you elaborate

You see, the joke here is that OP didn't have anything better to do tonight. There's an assumption that we're all lonely and dead inside. We struggle to relate to the world outside of this hate-filled vacuum. The jokester is implying that OP used his weekend hours not on seducing a lovely lady/lady-boy, but rather looking far too deep into a tweet from a drug-withered mind. Hope this helps!

Would you mind if i copied and pasted this to my therapist

Sure, babe

Well this place seems about right

It’s always wise to get a lady’s perspective, it’s a very plausible theory

Just a dude who thought the name was funny


Or he meant Ang because she is Ant's runner.

3 is most likely.

I think it was Ang Lee he was tweeting at.

Why so ang lee? Cheer up, bud.

This guy's good.

artie is a drug addict and anthony is a homosexual it's safe to say it's not going to end well

This is actually an interesting theory

We'll be tuning in on Monday to find out...

The man being keith? or sxm?

It's misremembered dialogue from an old movie or TV program.

Is it that mafia tv show from ten years ago again

He's a super mid-2000's Nickelodeon fan. Not many know this about Arty.

Isn't Angela Keiths wifes name?


She's a man?

so who punched him in the face then?



This makes sense especially since we were all giving Ant shit for not being tough on Artie (considering Ant is Artie’s boss). I’m gonna go along and say yea I think your right.

is it me or Ang looks middle eastern?

hey everybody;let's try and decipher a junkies twitter message...