Can someone explain; jimmy’s birthday, frunkis, good evening, and the house next door to me...origin i mean. Just always accepted it

2  2017-12-10 by hckykjb18


Jimmy's birthday: I think it started because Jimmy once said that everyday is his birthday offhandedly and it took off for some reason.

Frunkis: Jimmy made it up during the most annoying 30 seconds contest. (Yes that was a real thing and it was as bad as you think it'd be. Probably an Opie idea)

Good evening: I have no idea.

House next door to me: that's a racist song that Anthony enjoys.

Definitely, thank you for your autistic service. Your family will be disappointed at your funeral.

First of all, you're welcome. Second of all, you made me sad.

Good evening is from Clockwork Orange you fucks.

Good evening is from Clockwork Orange, friends.

See, that wasn't so hard. Practice that and maybe more people will like you.

You need to know these things if people are going to accuse you of having strong autism, just helping, rook.

That's true, wouldn't want to let the people that call me autistic down.

Arrrgh wha' was it that 'e said? Arrrgh

I hope you contract beriberi

Arrrgh got it, he wan'ed that guy to get the berries arrrgh

I've never seen it, is it any good?

It's pretty fucked up and memorable, yeah. You've probably heard enough clips from it already on O&A just don't look into it any further and watch it.

I think it is overrated. It was made long before I was born so maybe it just wasn't meant for me. I thought it was a weak story that went for the shock. It succeeded but wasn't great. ...and now you know the rest of the atiey

Try reading the book, it might give you some insight into such a weak story that only went for shock value.

Why would I read that drivel, it sucks

And The Shining, and

I do believe in an episode with Kevin Smith they further discussed frrrrrrrunkis and determined it is spelled with 7 rs.

Unless my memory is fading and it is a different number, but 7 sounds right to me.

Yes and now everyone is really impressed with your knowledge. Congrats buddy.

House next door to me: that's a racist song that Anthony enjoys

Also what his jew neighbors listen to

Well someone's studying for their GED.

Frrrrrrrunkis was intended by Jimmy as a silly alternative to the "BOOM!" and "POW!" bubbles from the old Batman show with Adam West.

"Good evening" is from A Clockwork Orange. It started with the "FOOOD....AL-HRIGHT?" which is from the same scene in the movie.

Arrrgh wha' was it that 'e said? Arrrgh