Opie and Anthony Reunion: Louis CK Comeback Special (featuring little Jimmy Norton)

0  2017-12-09 by throughthisironsky

Wouldn't it be great if we had these four round a table together again and spoke candidly about their various issues. It would make for an historic piece of radio. Louis expertly delivering an anecdote about masturbating in front of a woman, Anthony smartly pops in with a pedophilia gag, Jimmy chimes in with a homoerotic, sleazy tale. Meanwhile Opie plays with his tits, or something.

OH WAIT. They already did that. Ew.


Shut up, bitch.

OH WAIT. They already did that. Ahh boo.


Special appearance from bobby kelly: you know what dude?! You got your sexual assault, you gor your tranny fucking, you got your getting fired for taping a guy on the shitter , ya got your ha ha holy shit dude, boom! I'm now the most creditable name in this room dude....