REMINDER: James Norton paid a mentally ill Scandinavian man to violently sexually assault him, defecate and urinate on him, and pretend to be his loving spouse. When he couldn't deliver any more payments to him, his boyfriend dropped him like a hot potato

92  2017-12-09 by disawayisthrows

Guaranteed Princess Alena is smashing some other lifeless worm as we speak, softly cradling them in his strong Scandinavian arms mid air while rogering their bottom simultaneously.

I don't know if Jim is on suicide watch, or edging to the thought of that.


The thing about Jim’s obsession with tranny’s is he fetishizes it. I don’t think he’s thought through the realities of a long term relationship with one. It’s a dude. So when he wakes up in the morning, it’s a fucking dude until he plasters his face with makeup. There’s going to be hair everywhere. He sees these dudes as chicks cause he only sees them in full costume. Wait until the first time you get in a fight and he forgets to talk like a girl and he screams at you with his deep voice.

That was a chilling read.

Is this coming from experience?

Show us on the Real Doll where he/she touched you... slowly.

I remember a few years ago some twitter trannies came after Jim because he just sexualized them. Bailey Jay actually came to his defense and shut most of them up, but the only defense she had was some vague bullshit about how much he's done for the trans community. They are 100% fetish objects to him.

“All he’s done” is basically support them in a sexual manner and basically make joke after joke about his alleged sexual exploits with them. He thinks because he’s not bashing them he’s a big supporter.

I remember how creepy and weird it was when he went serious jim and went into a long winded dissertation about “transitioning” and how it was rude to ask if they still had a cock and balls.

rude to ask if they still had a cock and balls.

It's a complex web society weaves.

Hey now, I'm sure plenty of that money went to good causes for them

Like genital mutilation and drug habits

Tbf arent women the same thing.

Trannies are 100% fetish objects in real life though.

What's the etiquette when fighting a tranny? Treat 'em like a bitch or a bloke.

I would punch one as if is a man


LOL mote queer.

i'm not 14 and therefore don't associate classic LOL with "motes"

It should have been more.

My bad, I’m a gay.

and fuck em like a lady.

Most of em look like they can take a punch

Especially the Princess, with a jaw easily as square as the MMA fighters Jimmy lusts after.

I would tip my hat and say "Good day Sir/madam"I said good day!!!!

if they are on hormones long term a lot of the masculine behaviors do get suppressed

Still taking big guy shits.

big boy made a doodie!

Leaving forearm-sized logs in the toliet and those thick-as-oil paint skid marks on the inside of the bowel.

Jimmy smells his toilet paper to see if he's sick. He brags about eating other men's asses. He has mentally ill men like Princess Alena shit on him after literally pushing his own shit in.

Call me crazy, but I don't think it would be an issue for him.

What can he establish form smelling his own shit? Does a sick persons shit smells more shitty?

If he was into chicks, he'd be going after chicks. Dude's into TRANNIES, and everything that comes with them. Just accept it.


It gets easier with repetition.

Or until things get physical and Alena picks up scrawny 120lbd Jim with 1 arm.

Half the girls I know look more masculine than Gregg and Jim.

I've had similar experiences with the way I fetishize 18-24 year old girls with eating disorders who cut themselves and have no father always starts out hot and turns into a fucking mess once I get fed up with their co dependence and they turn on the crazy which they think makes me want to keep them around.. it usually works though

Sounds accurate. I believe and will spread these facts.

I mean come on! At least choose one with a cute little prick lick that Sue Lightning broad.

cute little prick lick that

something is clawing its way to the surface

Lets not forget that he bought that man a pair of shoes, which is more gay than anything you've described.


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Do they make size 14 pink Nike air max shoes?

HaHaHa! I am so hoping he has a schizophrenic breakdown and ends up locked in a Lazy Susan of his catalogue of abuse survivor personalities... he would be happier and they all seem more intelligent than the worm Jim Norton. Fuck I hate him... unlike Alena who hate fucks him.

I’m so glad this sub has no illusions about trannies being real women.

You know how disheartening it is to be having a conversation on a normie subreddit and being scolded for using the wrong pronoun.

Empress'(?) new clothes.

Has the entire world gone insane? That's all I can ask myself as this mental illness is normalized by wider society.

Nah. There's just an obscene amount of faggots on Reddit.

What happens in faggot world (here) eventually overtakes normal world. Society is shaped by passionate autists and psychos, normal people will go along to get along with whatever obscure new law or rule emerges. It's up to us - assholes and queers - to decide what happens.

It's thought policing.

It's the equivalent of sending kids to gay conversion therapy. It doesn't work, it guilts people into suppressing themselves, and some of them snap and go off the deep end the other way.

People are exclusionary by nature. More open minded, compassionate people tend to be liberal, and morons tend to be conservative.

So when the conservatives start excluding morons because they're gay or trans, or if they exclude themselves because they're disagreeable, they end up bullying pussy ass agreeable liberals, and we fall over ourselves trying to make them feel accepted, and they fight their way to the top of our hierarchies (because we let them) and we end up with conservatives dominating liberal parties, pushing ideas that go against everything we believe.

They tell us to believe that being open minded means hating everyone who disagrees with us and doesn't speak the language correctly.

They tell us that they represent free speech, as long as that speech is within certain boundaries and works towards a goal they have in mind.

They tell us to favor equality, as long as that equality leaves them in their ivory towers while the rest of us work harder, for less, to support them under the guise of supporting the less fortunate.

Every liberal movement has been hijacked, and the right is moving further to the right to compensate.

dude, I think your phone cut out

Redditors are the absolute worst.

all i want for xmas is a tell-all from the Prince shimself

Why hasn't anyone here just asked the poor fella? I'm sure he'd be willing to share all the juicy details for the right price.

I wonder that myself. Those hottie camwhores are hard to access though, they literally wade through hundreds if not thousands of obsessed fans and it's hard to get their attention unless money or career opporunity is involved

hey man,not every romance is romeo and juliet...

Let's hope it ends the same

Romeo and Julian


James Norton and a public toliet at the newark bus depot have the same requirements for a relationship

No, you at least have to go to the Newark toilet, jimbo will cross an ocean for a tight man pussy

You have it all wrong. Jimmy is a bottom, Princess Alena would violently fuck him with her giant Viking dick on the reg.

Alena Thundercock

You think Norton will ever go back to Asgard to try and see him?

Pretty fucking ironic you have to cross the rainbow bridge to get in.

At least Jim got to smell his ass a lil.

I remember listening to an episode of Tom papa's podcast with Jim (back when I actually cared when Jim was on others podcasts).

There is a really funny part where tom, being apparently well adjusted 'family man' normie, asks him at one point basically, what is the deal with being into trannies.

Jim starts pulling out all his stock answers, trying to explain it away like he's not into fucking guys. At this point probably most of his friends just leave it alone and laugh at him behind his back. But Tom, in a polite way, basically puts it to him that he is gay.

Then the worm really crawls out of the dirt....

"it's a tough one man"

"I'm not gay"

"nah man, I love women"

Really interesting to hear him have to voice his dillusions out loud and try to not only convince tom but himself.

At least that's how I remember it, this was years ago.

"Princess Alena" was nothing more than a 20 year old dude who was into dressing like a woman. How Jimmy plays these mental mind games is beyond me.

It's 2017 Jim, we really don't care if you're gay.

I really think he's chasing the dragon. He fucked a bunch of tranny prostitutes when he was a teenager and now he's trying to experience that thrill again. Normal people just get married and have kids, Jim doesn't do that so he fetishizes trannies. I don't think it's a bit, it's real.

Did they break up? I thought he was just said to have been looking for wedding rings? Or was that a joke I missed?

I was wondering the same thing

The shit thing (from what I've heard) is something he tried once with a sex worker and didn't like. Do he actually admit (or allude) to the Princess taking a dump on him?

The shit thing (from what I've heard) is something he tried once with a sex worker and didn't like. Did he actually admit (or allude) to the Princess taking a dump on him?

To know that would mean to actually listen to the Jim and Sam Show. Sorry - I don’t want to wade thru hours of wrestling, MMA, and tech talk with Jimmy to find it.

plus, dude busted in him.

It's going to be ironic if Jim finally gets the HIV from some tranny that got sick of taking his money

and? other than the Scandinavian part isnt that a pretty normal occurrence for him? In a couple weeks he'll be into some other dude and/or going back to trying to bang his openers. Than he'll get all whiny about that than repeat. That is the cycle of the worm and it goes on till he swallows a gun instead of a dick..... or he chokes to death on said dick

Is she on twitter?

It's really sad thinking about that call Jim's mother made to him about prostitutes and how he would probably not need to soon because everything in life was falling into place now... 10 years later he wants to marry a cam-manwhore


Trannies have extremely limited employment opportunities, as your typical business wants nothing to do with some weirdo pretending to be a woman. Thus they get into sex work, catering to closet cases like Jimmy who yearn to have their sissy cum slut fantasies fulfilled by someone that looks vaguely like a "woman" but who has a cock. They're pros who've seen Jimmy's kind before, it'll bleed him of every available dime and as soon as he says "no" to anything he/she will be gone like the wind.

rude to ask if they still had a cock and balls.

It's a complex web society weaves.

You have it all wrong. Jimmy is a bottom, Princess Alena would violently fuck him with her giant Viking dick on the reg.