just speculating here gang, but how much more alcohol will Artie have to drink for it to literally explode?

0  2017-12-09 by disawayisthrows

Because I think it could be done, poor fawkin mug will be walking around like...like...like...(gagging sounds)...like...like...(mouthes words)....like...(more gagging sounds)...


i dont understand why you made this

This happened to a neighbour of mine when I was a kid. His wife (also a massive sauce junkie) rang the police saying he lost his shit and was just trashing their house....and that they could find her hiding at my address (same street).

When the police/ambulance came we all took a magical trip to her house only to find him in a pool of blood because his 'stomach exploded'. It seemed like an impossible amount of blood...as if buckets of water were somehow involved. I fucked off back home and one of the nice ambulance people came to tell me he was dead. Turns out he wasn't and lived for a couple more years.

Then End.

Damn that's fucked up, makes me wanna go buy a bottle of vodka.