Eww, who the fuck is the ugly tranny that Sam Roberts is doing a podcast with?

3  2017-12-08 by masao50025


Don't even call Cathy Kelley ugly in jest.

No kidding.. She's so fucking hot.

Good thing Sam keeps it professional, else there may be a romance.

He truly is the last professional broadcaster

Sure she's hot, but would she fix you up some chicken soup when youre sick or take your mom shopping?


He'd be too busy dressing in weeb shit and making sure his 2-inch bulge doesn't show.

I’d take sue over this chick purely for the cock and balls

Not even a choice. Noelle will have a body like her dad by the age of 30.

Noelle is still natural.

They both are. But one has better genetics.

I was drunk. And have no idea what I even meant.

We have all been there, my friend.

Currently working on a repeat performance.

Seriously. She's genetic perfection.

She is not ugly, just way too skinny.

Why doesn't the cunt open the door and let Colin Quinn in?

i cant tell if your saying shes ugly or not skinny

if you are honestly saying she ugly and ppl are agreeing with you this sub officially just hates everything for the sake of hating everything because i cant see how anybody could look at her and say ugly

All the extra weight went to dat ass.

I'd like to treat her like one of those porn's where I just rip open the crotch area and go to town.


I'd like to treat her like one of those porn videos somthing somthing somthing

More fatties for you, then

did sam get a new tattoo?


That's a very specific tattoo...

Ya he got an ape tattooed on his face

whats bigger sam's forehead or her cheeks (very kissable)?

yeah, kiss it with the tread marks of a garbage truck.

She's dating WWE's Finn Balor these days and Sam is super jealous.

She's a beard for WWE's Finn Balor (who is gayer than me)

Is this is a man? I can’t tell anymore on this sub. Oh shit, I’m gay.

Sam having a Sam Roberts show poster is why people hate him.

Sam having a show without being insightful or funny is why people hate him.

Nikes and snapbacks on the wall...
What a wannabe nigger hack.

Hotter than his wife

TS is really reaching and is clearly a faggot who needs an eye exam ASAP.

lol i love how this bitch moved across the country & quit her job to be on sams night show, then when it ended they tried to act like she could fit in somewhere or sometimes on jim & sam and she has just generally not been heard from since his show ended

Are you fucking retarded? She's one of the main announcers for WWE.

sorry i don't watch wrestleing

Yeah she moved to NYC to work for them. Sam is just the safe male friend.

She really is an exceptional specimen. Mensa member and everything.

I do, and still have no idea who she is. Nice body, but her face ain't much.

She hosts just about everything on their online products.

wwe girl