Which drug is the best to use when getting over a bad breakup?

1  2017-12-08 by [deleted]

Excluding needles I need something to help fill the void


A gun in your mouth.

Buy a good video game you fucking nerd.

Or/and you could drink heavily


I can't go advocating such things, aint you got google? nigga

Yeah but you guys gave me great recommendations for O&A videos I figured you could do the same with drugs

have you ever tried heroine, you'll LOVE it!

Music, exercise

I lift and run 4-5 times a week, for some reason it hasn’t had the same effect lately :(

I think you're just sad over a break up. You'll be sad for a long time. The only thing you can do is just live your life.

Thanx brotherman (sniff)

And stay away from alcohol. Otherwise you'll make cringe posts like I did the other day. My ex said she might be pregnant to rub it in my face, so I came here to vent

Sorry to hear that man, if it gives you a laugh I’ll let you know that my ex strained my dick wacking it off 2 days before she dumped me and will probably need an mri on it. I haven’t been able to masturbate for 2 weeks due to the injury

Well, I've been dating other girls so life goes on! Sorry about your penis. I can kiss it better if you'd like

Girls saying that is always made up drama. It's so easy to find out whether you're pregnant or not. No reason to speculate and talk about it just take the damn test

That's what I thought! She only said it because she knew it would make me uncomfortable! On a further note. Are you a girl? It's weird of girls liking Opie and Anthony. Every girl I sent a link to of bits from this show were appalled.

Maeng Da

Your bitch is getting fucked by a much more successful guy than you

This is why I come to this sub. Thank you for the morale boost PeeSoup

Since we're helping. He's also blacker and they make fun of your penis.

Things will get better.

Couple bars, couple grams, couple whiskeys.

How long ago was it? It’s just going to suck for a while regardless dude. Don’t do some crazy shit you’ll regret later; just stay active (socially and physically) and things eventually get better.

Couple weeks ago but it’s bothering me now more than it did initially. I’ll keep that in mind thanx man

Once you blow a couple loads with someone else, regardless of how they look, youll feel better


a .45 caliber bullet works nicely

Codeine works like a charm, or tramadol if you can get it.

Turn into a sizzurp drinking wigger.

opie radio

Helium. Pref with a hood. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt.


Hookers lots of them.

Get a handful of oxy's.

Sorry to hear that man, if it gives you a laugh I’ll let you know that my ex strained my dick wacking it off 2 days before she dumped me and will probably need an mri on it. I haven’t been able to masturbate for 2 weeks due to the injury

Girls saying that is always made up drama. It's so easy to find out whether you're pregnant or not. No reason to speculate and talk about it just take the damn test