I’ll hang up and listen to your response

30  2017-12-08 by Suibu


lol, shes a real hero... I have a theory 90% of comedians/podcasters today have a financial safety net despite the fact they all like to pretend theyre grinding for a living ex. mark normand (parents lawyers), bert kreisher (dads a lawyer) etc.

I mean of course they do. All it takes to be a "professional comic" is hanging around the clubs long enough to befriend somebody who has a modicum of success and lets you open for them as a favor.

Jim didn't pay rent till he was into his forties.

Would you move out if you could fuck pregnant crack whores in your driveway?


That's every hipster in Brooklyn. They all dress like street urchins but return to Greenwich, Connecticut every Thanksgiving and Christmas. Super punk.

That's a great plan; work for your rich parents, have them buy you everything, spend none of your own money. See guys? It's really easy. All you need to do is have someone do everything for you while you profit.

Yes, anyone can afford to fuck around or risk making no money for 20 years straight when they have no bills or expenses to pay lol...There is nothing to learn from this person.

This is reparations from white cis males.

oh thats a real thing now. The idea is that you would rightly be offended by such a ridiculous claim, so that they can jump on you and call you an oppressor bigot, etc. Its a trap, and traps are gay.

Fucking weebs

A punk is someone who gets fucked in prison, usually by PoC.

So yeah this makes sense.

Gibs me dat

This is fake. I don't buy it. People are not THAT stupid

Clearly you haven't met people.

I hope I never do

Why should we? Jimmy gave them money for years and it never helped them.

Nah I need that money for booze

Don't drag Sailor Mercury into this

I wasn't going to read this, but then I saw the sailor moon picture so now I'm all in.

"I'm gay give me money!"

Not even to a charity, just throw it at some lisping black guy.

Fags have entirely too much confidence nowadays.

Keep sailor mercury out of this bullshit.

Why? Mercury is fluid, just like gender.

I know youre joking but that legitemately made me furious

Tuxedo Mask wears a mask because ze is agender and doesn't want to be forced into stereotypical gender roles.


Adam Egret used to jerk off punks for 15 bucks a man.

I don’t think the Sailor Senshi even own boats . . .

Pieces if Crap?

Why do ass fuckers and niggers need my money?

This is pretty gay.

I see nothing wrong with this. Whoever made it is portraying queers and trans people are entitled cunts while also making fun of rich hipster faggots.

So is quer the new pc term for faggots? Kinda like how niggers are calling themselves colored now?