How is she even allowed to enter a work environment with half her dinner plate sized areola sticking out

50  2017-12-08 by Jaaahhh


Goddamn look at those funbags

Who the fuck is she? They couldn't possibly have a porn star in studio that would be crazy!

Anything goes when you gotta morning show!!

You gay.

Sam seriously asked her if she gets bothered by men looking at her breasts. While she was wearing that and talking about her anal sex porn career he tried to have a #metoo moment with this whore. Sam is the worst.

Sam's take on the #metoo movement makes me hate him more than anything he's ever done. He has been so self-righteous, and the opposite of a man. The show used to be Patrice shitting on women. Now it's pussy ass Sam talking about how much he respects women. Yuck.

I respect women- 's asshole, mouth and cunt.

And remember a year ago how Tucker Carlson Recaps would get a whole break of the show, with Sam giddy about how Tucker made dumb liberal college women look stupid and gave them The Tucker Face.

I miss Patrice's mysogony :(

Tsss arrrgh ye more loike misterogyny or sumpthin arrrgh


You can hear he just says what his wife wants to hear.

I also think he is under the illusion that all of the other broadcasters have sexually harassed or assaulted women over the years. And they will all be brought down. And he really will be the last "professional broadcaster" left.

let's be honest, every boy tries to please and mimic the girl that takes their virginity.

The worst part is that he's all in with the oppression olympics aspect of it.

Tefft Pattern posted a clip of them talking about August Ames yesterday and Sam's opinion was that she should have "shut the fuck up" because she should have known her talking about it would have caused backlash.

So if a straight man looks at your tits he has to go to jail but if a gay man wants to infect you wit AIDS you need to shut the fuck up and take it.


Arrrgh yes arrrgh

Chinese pirate impressions please.

Arrrgh there be no such thin' as a choinesee pilate arrrgh

Tssss. What is he? Flying a fuckin plane? How can he see thru those slanty eyes? Take us out ya fat piece a shit.

I believe he said she could just not do it but not rant about it on Twitter, tell others that he had gay sex or whatever, and then not expect people to reply. Pretty sure he didn't tell a woman to have sex with someone when she didn't want to.

She didn't rant about it. She just issued a warning to whoever was offered the job since the company was trying to trick them into fucking a faggot.

She should have just taken PREP on a daily basis for the rest of her life and taken that gay dick, like a real feminist ally would!

I heard that. What did Sam mean? That she should shut up about why she didn't wanna fuck the gay guy?

He just meant she shouldn't have voiced un-PC opinions.

Let 'em in Sammy, let's 'em into his gaping asshole.

that fucking discussion REALLY pissed me off. proof of how fucking stupid Jim and Sam are. Their whole point was that people should just take abuse, they don't have to look at twitter, and that she was an idiot for inciting a backlash.

Jesus, you know maybe it's the fact that it isn't twitter was giving her shit, but that people in her industry were insulting her, bringing other people in on it, and talking about fucking with her career. maybe it wasn't the "internet trolls" that shouldn't be allowed to be anonymous, but rather people she actually knew held influence over her life?

Especially in Cuckafornia where it’s legal and PC to intentionally infect with the HIV.

This sounds based in reality.

Look it up, stupid. He’s not wrong.

It's illegal, but not a felony.

What a homo

Someone doesn’t get sarcasm

Did you hear it? He wasn't using the Sarcastic Sam voice.

He may as well ask Louis if he gets bothered by women looking at his dick.

Well another porn star that bitches about her life. Good for Jimmy and Samuel for listening to the uproar and have given the fans what they screaming for

That’s impossible. What would she have to bitch about? Porn is liberating and empowering, maaaaaaan.


Making $500k a year working 2 hours a week.

Hoo hoo

They’re doing this just to prove they don’t care that they’re losing listeners by alienating them. Hope being stubborn is worth it, guys. I know there is no ratings system in satellite, but SXM recognized that Opie’s show was awful and that no one listened and he got canned(officially for another reason, but, come on). You guys think it can’t happen to your show?

That's what is so funny about this. They are clearly doing this as a fuck you to the fans and to SXM in general. They put no effort into the show and purposely sabotage it just to troll people. Do they not remember that Opie and Anthony, the two fucking guys who made this goofy show and whom Jim and Sam got the sloppy leftovers from, got fired? Do Jim and Sam think they're untouchable? Opie and Anthony thought they were untouchable and look how that turned out.

This isn't the old days of radio. The on-air talent doesn't have the advantage. They're all entirely replaceable. Nobody is subscribing to SXM to listen to fucking Jim and Sam. And the people who run this company know this already. If Jim or Sam fuck up even slightly, they will be gone.

But go ahead. Keep doing terrible radio just to piss off the very few people who actually listen to your show. You'll show them! Opie and Anthony always win in the end, right?

Take it more seriously.

Don't tell me what to do. I'm a strong, independent black woman.

Opie and Anthony, for all their faults, were professionals. Jim & Sam are fucking around like amateurs. Like children.

I submit the unpopular opinion that J&S is not only a worse show than O&A at its nadir, it's actually worse than Opie's solo show. At least Opie tried to do his job.

O&A at least sort of earned the right to have that "Fuck you" mentality. They were hot for a period and a legitimate rival to Stern at a time when shock jock radio was at the height of its popularity. So I at least understand where they get that mentality.

Jim and Sam have none of that. They inherited a dead radio show that has gradually been losing its fanbase since 2002. They have no power. They're just another show amongst a long list of shows that could fall of the face of the planet tomorrow and SXM wouldn't miss a beat.

Even worse — they’ve just sort adopted the same bits and themes that O&A did rather than actually making their own show.

It’s about as lazy as you can get.

Opie Raqio was fucking awful. The last months where it was just four guys yelling over each other and scream-laughing at bad jokes to show how much fun they were having was as awful as anything I've ever heard.

But it was so awful it was interesting. Jim and Sam is just boringly bad.

Would definitely rather ironically hate-listen to the four Opie Raqio dickheads form their cheerleader pyramid of unhinged awfulness than hear Sam trying to posture as a credible authority on anything outside the realm of dino-shaped chicken nuggets.

“But it was so awful it was interesting.” Jesus. This is the perfect description of Opie Radio.

"it's actually worse than Opie's solo show."

Now now, let's not throw the baby out with the Vizio soundbar.

While J&S is absolutely tone deaf to what their fans want to listen to, at least they still have Jim, a funnier than average human being.

The only thing that would be worst than the Opie solo show from the O&A universe of characters would be a solo-Sam show.

The solo Sam show exists on Fridays on SXM and on Sam's youtube channel. I've been too scared to even try listening so I can't say definitively that it's worse than Opie Radio.

It's easily worse.

Jim has become an absolutely humorless person. He's not just less funny than he was - he's not funny at all. Puhriod.

I mean it seems pretty clear they are more expendable than ever because of the raises they took when they slid into the morning spot. They cut ties with both Opie and Anthony, much bigger names than Jim and especially Sam, and they can’t give the excuse that SXM isn’t paying attention when they were obviously aware of how no one was listening to Opie. Sirius XM could completely nuke the entire channel and they would drop maybe 100 subscribers for every $400,000 they save in expenses like salary, promotion and so forth. I don’t see 20,000 people canceling their sub because they lose Jim, Sam, Ellis, Covino, or Rich. Not even combined. More people probably listen to the Bonfire anyway, A show with hosts who actually did take listener feedback into consideration, then made fun of those listeners, then made some changes anyway. You know, like guys who try to keep an audience happy.

Maybe we're going at this all wrong. Who doesn't love porn stars on the radio, huh? It's nuts! Chicks with their TITS! It's fun! I love when they have crazy games with the girls or try and make them orgasm. It's a wild show!

What's that, you say? They just let these idiots babble on about nothing like they're real people with something to say? Goddamn it, I must be one of them queers if I don't like listening to that! Ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy OI OI OI!!!!

Bonfire is honestly better than anything the whole O and A cast has put out the last 5 years at least. And I'm a fan of Chippahs podacast.

When they’re on a roll they’re terrific. It isn’t the prime years of Stern or O and A but it’s the best show on satellite.

This cunt was so awful today that I got to the point of hoping Mary Jean would come in to replace her.

You misspelled "slice her with a razor like the dirty Puerto Rican she is"

*Dominican And we don’t slice you with a razor, we cut you with a machete.

Get out, spic.

Can’t, I like this sub.

You are all Mexicans to me

That’s pretty offensive because nobody wants to be Mexican, not even Mexicans.

Give her a raise.

I hope they get a wrestler on Monday!

Sam is desperate to book Virgil again.


Shut up fag and enjoy those giant ebony tits

Tits on the radio! Fuck yea brosef

No thanks

I dont listen when it's only 'Let'em-In' Sam

I don't but maybe I would if he didn't always have terrible guests.

Well you missed a good Florentine appearance.

Its actually just the shadows in the terribly lit studio, but its okay its not like its 2017 and video is a huge element of podcasts/shitty old radio shows.

Here are her real nips:


The lack of penis bothering you?

Who's telling all these schlubby bitches they're allowed to be porn stars?
Blacks really do have the worst taste in women, amongst other things.

Kind of a phat body if you like that shape but yeesh that face is going to haunt my nightmares.

It’s not her areola. Look her up dude. They aren’t that big.

I don’t care what she says I don’t listen anyways. She’s hot shit.

her work environment is a porn set, where that's expected.

Jim Norton. Has a fan ever asked to have more porn stars on?

Gee. Not just a pornstar to bore everyone, but a black one at that.

Because black whores are so hard to find.

I really don’t understand how anyone thinks these gashes make for good radio.

Jim destroyed Roland for all the stupid food bits and cronut shit because he recognized that Roland is a food addict.

"Look, I don't want you booking any more chefs on the show. Its your stupid addiction taking over a show. Its like a drug addict booking his drug dealers on the show, and I've fucking had it."


she has much more fuckable tits than MJ, yet I hate that vapid gold-digging twat more than any pornstar they've ever had on.

Just because you can convince the weak and stupid to hand money over doesn't make you worth a shit.

Tits that size always look like they've been in a struggle.

Yes I did. 100% sarcastic

I bet it smells like a dumpster underneath those tits.

They look like sausitch

What is it with these two and their love for dog-faced fat spic women?

Even though she is partially naked, she would be perfectly safe from that rapist Louis CK.

It would have been best to have her on at the same time as Jim Ross. if you are going to have unwanted guests in studio, put them on together to see what develops.

Sam have a thang for FUGLY ass bitches who in porn and lick nigga ass, you think he see himself as the boy or girl when he watch it?

it's a cultural thing

Are people here really attracted to anything in his photo? I'm waiting for the biplanes to start buzzing, gorilla ass bitch

Looks like a pig. Who is she?

Are they even people?

This bitch is sexy. You guys are fags.

I respect women- 's asshole, mouth and cunt.

And remember a year ago how Tucker Carlson Recaps would get a whole break of the show, with Sam giddy about how Tucker made dumb liberal college women look stupid and gave them The Tucker Face.

I miss Patrice's mysogony :(

Arrrgh there be no such thin' as a choinesee pilate arrrgh

You can hear he just says what his wife wants to hear.

Would definitely rather ironically hate-listen to the four Opie Raqio dickheads form their cheerleader pyramid of unhinged awfulness than hear Sam trying to posture as a credible authority on anything outside the realm of dino-shaped chicken nuggets.

“But it was so awful it was interesting.” Jesus. This is the perfect description of Opie Radio.