Faggot News: Bryan Singer Sued For Alleged 2003 Sexual Assault Of Teen

22  2017-12-08 by crookedmile


It is hard to pass up a young Latin American boy. They'll get you every time.

This guy just has that fag face.

What about Steven Singer?

Hes next.

I hate him

He’s on the other corner of 8th & Walnut sexually assaulting teens.

Dispecka ain't gonna suck itself cabana boy.

The kid was offered a role as Ricky Ricardo, in return for a deep throating.

Mr Singer has sound business skills.


all due respect.

Toughts n prayas

These sluts and fags sure are trying to cash in while the irons hot.

"Gee whiz I had no idea as a 17 year old invited onto the S.S Blow hard that they would hit on me!".

Singer had pool parties full of twinks and the Uncle Paul's for quite awhile. This is coming to light almost 15 years later?

Fucking young, impressionable boys is wrong, but how could this have not seen the light of day in court when it originally went down?

On a side note, what do you think that pool filter looked like after a night at Mr. Singer's butt-fuckery?

Like egg drop soup

All gay men fuck children.

Bryan Singer just used the X-Men to try and make pedophilia acceptable. Every time he was interviewed about X-Men he would always go on and on about people who are different fighting for acceptance from a world that doesn't understand them. I used to just assume it was because he was gay, but it's pretty obvious now that he wants to be able to facefuck a child in public and everyone to be cool with it.

Don't make you a bad person.

Who does this guy think he is? Anthony Cumia?