Jimmy and his bride to be before a kiss

60  2017-12-08 by Single_Action_Army


That's Artie and Opie before he was almost raped by a black.

I'm Dr. Roxxo babeh, I do cocaaiinneee

Doug Stanhope described Artie's nose as looking like a "prolapsed asshole" on his podcast.

Dory McClean, she's only 14
Gonna suck it all night, she's a sweet suckin' queen

Hated that show. It also made me hate Brendan Small, who i didn't hate before this.


Did you like Home Movies? It watched pretty guuud

No i liked that show a lot, I have Dr. Katz on DVD, he had one called Monique or something on UPN that was OK. But Metalocolypse was just meandering garbage half the time, with a couple of good things thrown in. Dr.Roxxo was fine, maybe Murderface, but other than that it was drivel.

Dr Katz and The Critic (I know they're not related) were two of the shows I remember watching way before I could actually get the jokes and enjoy them

Tough Crowd makes that list too but nubile young 9 year old me could watch Insomniac and love every second because it made me feel like an adult vicariously

Insomniac was OK, but it's gold compared to whats on the network these days. You cant even sell a show like that these days on CC, unless it had at least one female muslim.

Where we at with the Kimmel-Carolla Man Show?

It was funny as shit, no question there. So over the top sexist that it was more ironic than offensive. If anything; it mocked men outright, but wasnt anti-men. I miss those days.

Home Movies was great. It had some good early Louis CK, too, as Brendon's shitty dad.

I saw Brendan Small live once doing some demo thing at a Guitar Center what-have-you. The guy BIFFED EVERY SOLO. He's a prick that hypes himself up as a great metal guitarist who's also a show creator, but he stinks on ice. Again; I like Home Movies and what not, but Metalocalypse was a bunch of meandering garbage, plus it was gay.

The songs are fine; it needs more dynamics, but there's something there to it, enough to get you to dive in.

Do you even understand what "dynamics" are in music, you blithering retard?
Small's songs are super dynamically/harmonically rich and he's a real humble guy. He writes these amazing guitar parts and just shits on his own work by making the lyrics about Banana Stickers or whatever.
Show me one bit of media where he's a braggart.

He really is just a old yenta

No, no, no. That’s Skwisgaar Skwigelf talking to a G-Milf at the Food Library.

Booze ain't food.

Is this good for soup?

WADDAYA MEAN BOOZE AINT FOOD!? I'd rather chop off my DING DONG than admit that!

Skwisgaar Skwigelf

That's what he said.

This jokes is dildoes.

RIP, fuck Adult Swim for not letting Brendan Small do a finale

They really fucked him over on that one, they own the name and everything that goes with it. His latest Galaktikon album is sort of a tribute to Dethklok.

On that awful o&a interview, the only show Seth Macfarlane referenced was Home Movies, also created by Brendon. It's probably the best cartoon ever made. Metalocalypse was really good too, specially if you're a metal head

Jimmy is dildos.

Dr Katz and The Critic (I know they're not related) were two of the shows I remember watching way before I could actually get the jokes and enjoy them

Tough Crowd makes that list too but nubile young 9 year old me could watch Insomniac and love every second because it made me feel like an adult vicariously