Her nips must be cold as a muggg.

50  2017-12-07 by RBuddCumia


I'd pinch her nipples till she yelps

Why would you pinch her nipples until she leaves a bad review for a restaurant? (ahh booo)

word play uma


Look at those fakers!

Our guy

You can see the surgical scar on the inside of her left tit.

Okay Columboob

THERE fake baby!

She needs to post some ass shots

I'm an ass man.

And i'm an ass, man

If she had a nice one I think she would have by now.

I used to be until women squatted so much they look like horses

You know when you squish a loaf of bread in the freezer and pull it out a few months later?

Tara. lol

She needs to post some asshole shots



You love to stick em?

I wonder if she's a squirter.

If you stab her hard enough.

Those are 26 hard earned upvotes my friend.

I earned more than 28. Now you're a filthy liar.

If that's the case,you're one of the funniest people on the sub.

Or stapled on

We're approaching mid December and she's wearing that? Well of course they're cold. Silly woman. Just show 'em and get it over with already

Arrrgh ye matey oi'd love to see her twinklin' bush so oi would arrrgh

I miss your chink bit.

Arrrgh that yella fever be the death a me me laddy, it best kept deep down in Davey Jones locker arrrgh although if this crazy Bessy gets her kipper out you moight just be gettin' your wish arrrgh

But we're plebs. We want the hits.....we'll never appreciate the 'new album' while pretending we always loved your previous work.

Be Chinese, just once more....we don't deserve it but take pity.

Where's the guy who curses you out in chink?

The only pictures I want to see of her should be either of her tits or her autopsy

Why is she only ever in a car or a public bathroom? This goofy broad is homeless with a serious case of IBS.

When she first started the Mrs. Chipperson routine, her Twitter feed had a plenty of pics of her pre-Chip normal life. She apparently works in fashion and is fairly successful; she had a corner office and was always trying on expensive clothes and accessories that designers were sending her for her work. She also drives an $80,000 car.

Her Chip stuff was all mixed in with that, which I'm sure was totally baffling to her normal friends and colleagues at the time. Now she's completely dedicated her Twitter to Chip, and all her regular life stuff has been deleted. I have no idea if she even still has a job (presumably she does?), but the people around her must think she went totally batshit. I'm pretty sure she lives in Philly too.

I'm really genuinely curious who she is and what's actually going on in her life that made her do this all of a sudden.

Yea she’s said she is in philly and used to post pictures from a lawyers office so maybe a paralegal or something. 2 things for sure, she’s never going to show her tits and she’s batty.

Let us know what you end up doing with the body.

Probably just eat it or something.

Another life ruined by o and a.


hey i live there, maybe me and her can have a meat/tweet up

It was nice knowing you 👍🏻

So God has basically given Jim someone.

Pretty sure she has pictures of her in her home too. So that's three places that are completely normal to take pictures of yourself in. But yeah, upvote you friendless, ugly, faggots. Its completely unnatural to take a picture of yourself in a bathroom mirror or your car.

You sound like a lot of fun.

Why is she always in a public bathroom?

She spends a lot of time in bars...

In a public restroom? If Jim doesn’t fuck her it isn’t because he can’t.

Princess Alena's looking almost passable here.

She's very slightly cockeyed

That's the whole reason behind all of this. Something like that will break a woman psychologically

She can’t center herself

I wonder if she's a clothes pin, alligator clips, or biting type of girl

She looks great for 47

Is she actually 47?

Sure yeah

And that's how /r/opieandanthony facts are started.

I believed it.

Lets make a pact right now, as a sub: We ignore this dopey broad until she comes through with the nudes, specifically asshole and puffy pussy shots.

This is how you get shit done

Man, what a waste. Jim could totally hook up with ms. Chipperson, and have some actual interesting content to talk about on the show. Maybe he could even bring her in if she could handle being on mic.

All that potential, just completely thrown away, all because this lady doesn't have a cock.

2017, everyone.

This guy gets it

If Jim agreed to a date with her, this crazy bitch would show up to the studio the next morning wearing Jim's face as a mask.

And Sam still wouldn't be able to turn it into interesting radio.

Sams reaction would be intern davidesque: whoaa whoaa what do you have there?

I'm done with her being hot. She is not..unless she posts nudes.

Does anyone ACTUALLY know the deal with this chick?

Yes. Alcohol and seclusion. Fuck her silly until she inevitably starts a fight, pukes and passes out in your 92 Civic.

Yeah that's jersey women for you


How the fuck is Norton not flying her to my and using her holes regularly

He's gay.

She doesn't have a fat cock.

How do you know?

i would like to see her cunt,and anus as well


I want to bend her over, tear her stupid tights down to her ankles and put a ruckus up in that mmmmuuug!

Ugh you just know she has those awful semi circle scars on the underboob

Stop giving this stupid cunt attention.

Those are 26 hard earned upvotes my friend.

She can’t center herself

Sams reaction would be intern davidesque: whoaa whoaa what do you have there?