Never forget. Roland is a unlikely hero.

29  2017-12-07 by Dennyislife


Way to exploit a national tragedy that lead to the deaths of millions of people to make a shit joke about your 8 month old show that was never going to last past October anyways

So many Japanese died as a cause of this. RIP

How irrelevant of a comic do you have to be these days to still not get the blue check mark? Fucking Matarese has the check mark!

“Journalists” with less than 1000 followers have check marks

That came about from the fake news crisis that killed millions and swayed grandma dorris' vote away from Hillary.

Pretty sure you can pay for a stupid verified check mark.

You know how, when you get that blue checkmark...?

I hate every mother fucker that is responsible for making Blue collar comedy popular.

The white equivalent of soft shoeing.

It's more like a happy pearl necklace day. The way Big Dick Dennis Falcone has been shitting on these guys so hard it makes me cum.

I never thought I'd see the day where Roland was favored on this sub over other people. We HATED Roland at one point, enough to start Fake Roland on twitter.

Maybe we should pay these bums that same kind of attention.

He is just bitter because Roland got him and Sherrod banned from SiriusXM

I don't get the tweet. Opie-tier joke. Can someone explain it?

Reference to one of the bombs being "Fat Man"? Fucking awful regardless

But that was like 5 years later...

Oh shit really? That was a puzzler.

I thought it was Stern that got Opie fired? Why's the lesbian bringing up Roland?

Opie filmed that fat fuck taking a shit, and our Knight in Rolling Armor ran to HR.

Uh-oh. Somethin' tells me ol' Vic's been hittin' the sauce tonight. Like he does every other night. Y'know. Cuz he's a drunk.

Thank you for service soldier

I like that douchey little aside, "You know I'm awful Jason", like he just got real edgy referencing the pearl harbor attacks