Republican Strategist Professor Anthony Cumia chimes in on Roy Moore.

15  2017-12-07 by RBuddCumia


Gotta hand it to him, the man can work a character count.

Artie has made many mistakes that messed up his life & has consistently disappointed his fans but the biggest disappointment & biggest mistake so far has been agreeing to partner up with this man.

Roy Moore could have stepped down and been replaced on the ballot weeks ago by any other republican and the GOP would have kept a safe seat. But he didn't...because people were supporting him. Dumb.

He's right. Deadline had passed when the allegations came out. He couldn't be removed and a write in candidate was too risky. Two of the lefty supreme court judges are in their eighties and the Senate confirms their replacements. Nothing else matters but keeping that seat.

We do have a write in running. Some hard-nosed military guy. Probably fucks kids.

Bs, who would have kept him a safe seat?


The girl was 14 years old. That's fair game to any Kumiya.


Too old for Joe. Spit's gone sour.

The girl was 14 years old.


"No one is actually supporting Roy Moore" "No one actually takes Comet Pizza seriously" "No one actually attacks Sikhs and Hindus thinking they're Muslims"

Yeah.. Anthony really has no understanding of anything or how it works unless it's How It Works©

After he wins, he can be removed

... By who? Republicans are not going to remove him and risk yet another special election. Dems don't have the power to remove him.

Why play into the dems hands?

So you don't vote for a pedophile? Anthony's brain-damaged thinking is what happens when you make everything into a libs vs. conservatives thing.

He could determine the future of the Supreme Court, the rest of the makeup of the federal judiciary and prevent an expulsion after the impeachment vote. That's what matters. And there are many of us out here that hold liberals in lower regard than pedos. We really, really, really hate them/you. Sorry.

He doesn't really have a problem with pedophiles.

He's right on the first part. People here are voting for anyone who is against abortion. No matter who it is. Too many Baptist.

They like to have the kids then fuck them.

Anthony likes his policies on child-fucking.

They would have to be absolutely psychotic to jeopardize a Senate majority on another special election, after the Republican candidate just won. There would be violent rioting in the streets. I believe Moore will win, get installed in the Senate, and serve out a term.

Cumia is a high school flunkout dope who smoked cocaine with his mom. Fuck Red Eye for making him think he's a political analyst.

He’s right. Smart man.

What sort of subhuman votes for a pedo just because they don’t like the other guy?

What sort of subhuman votes for a nonce just because they don’t like the other guy?