All I want for Christmas: A new episode of 100% Italian

47  2017-12-07 by OpiesInnerCircle



Not only am I gay but also profoundly retarded.

It was great, but I think Porsey did the right thing, we would've probably turned on him by, & it ended on a high. That said, an xmas one could be pretty epic!

I disagree. We all listened to O&A for how many years? Why can't we enjoy 100% Italian for as many? It wasn't getting tired or old. I think Porsalin started feeling bad after he talked to Joe.

Porsalin started feeling bad after he talked to Joe.

I think we're both right.

I think he's writing Joe's new material. Matarese had a surprisingly original take on the Hollywood sex scandals, someone posted a vid of it awhile ago.

The bit about Louis CK? I was shocked at how not-terrible that was.

thats the one

Care to share it ?

I kinda hope Joe turns his career around

All in all, he seems like a nice guy. So thoughts and prayers !

Everyone does after talking to him. He is a sob case. People feeling sorry for him is the only thing that has (barely) kept him in the business this long...

"Gimme 5 dollars an I'll Christmas toast yah!"

Have your party at my house, I'll host ya!

And a big booty hoe

I want another video of Ant beating an ugly ghoul.

you ever get it where you want another episode of 100% Italian?

That shit got played out once the Patrice ep came out

Wasn't that the penultimate episode anyway?

Porsalin started feeling bad after he talked to Joe.

I think we're both right.

Everyone does after talking to him. He is a sob case. People feeling sorry for him is the only thing that has (barely) kept him in the business this long...