Journalists at Salon spent 630 Hours watching every episode of Gavin's old show.

38  2017-12-07 by schnitzel2000

Apparently they're planning on releasing a big article that's supposed to "expose" Gavin.

Not sure what they expect to happen. He's already lost a lot of momentum he had pre Charlottesville. I think he's just comfortable being in CRTV's attic for now. He mentioned If he gets fired, he'll just go independent & Find 10,000 people to pay $4 a month.


Who gives a fuck.

I agree with this comment.

What can they expose that Gavin hasn’t already? (Asshole, boner etc)

What can they even "expose"? He's pretty openly hostile and shit's on everything Salon stands for

Something tells me it is going to sound familiar, like what we've been hearing come out of hollywood

Gavin rubbed his pecka on a vice interns skirt a decade or so ago and even got some pre cum on her.

You heard it here first

I thought of that, but at this point would anyone even give a shit if he pulled his dick out on a girl or something? He already says the best sex is sex that feels illegal, he's called women without children barren sluts doomed to misery, he's said we should nuke Europe because it's lost due to Islam. He's a convert to Catholicism. He's already offended any pussy left of center. It has to be something about kids. That's the only thing that could get him ostracized because everything else he owns up too.

I mean, he’s said that if he was god he’d ‘push down’ on the ‘turd world’ so that it floods and everyone dies

He also talked about a time he was at dinner with Ann Coulter and some Jew guy. He said he got drunk and went ‘too far’, started blaming the Jews for willingly getting on the trains to the camps (and said that Scottish people wouldn’t have got on them)

Then theres the driving while wasted, coke use etc

There’ll be a lot of promotion of violence too, and they’ll link it to Charlottesville. He definitely pushed the idea that the right needs to start being violent towards liberals.

Oh and plenty of borderline white nationalism

Right but none of that is a bombshell or something a lot of people don't already know. The driving thing and violence thing is pretty bad, but the other shit is just funny and his supporters will have no problem with that. The Jew thing is on his wiki page. Unless he's a diddler I don't see them taking him down or doing too much damage. That's what they had to resort too with Milo. If anything I've gained some respect for Gavin putting all this into perspective.

I’ve said it elsewhere, but my theory is they are trying to expose him to his wife, who didn’t have a clue what his show was even about

It wouldn't surprise me Salon attracts the most spiteful of hacks.

I remember him talking about getting black out drunk and crashing with his wife (and maybe kids) in the car. He lied and omitted that story from his appearance on Jim Goad's podcast where he talked about being a drunk. I stopped listening to his show before the whole Proud Boys thing took off, so who knows, but that was pretty egregious.

I think Salon's hit piece compilation video and "Gavin's Greatest Hits Vol. 3" would be remarkably similar.


He's a coke user, he's still drinking and doing speed. This much he admits to, He's also forced himself on at least one woman that I know of.


Fake news.


Unless he's secretly fucking kids and shooting dogs, this will likely be a waste of time.

Poor doggies

I feel for the doggos and puppers.

BREAKING: Gavin McInnes says things that we, at Salon, find offensive and racist!

BREAKING: Gavin McInnes says things that we, at Salon, find offensive and racist!

Seriously what don't the raw chapped cunts at Salon find offensive and racist? They think liberal panderers like Patton Oswalt are too far to the Right.

I hear he married an Indian. And not the dot kind.

So Salon paid for a Compound Media subscription?

Salon will be paying for CM for at least 2 years now

Gavin is only relevant in the Vice investigation the NYT is supposedly still doing. He immediately gave up after Charlottesville. He goes out of his way to not share any views with the alt right. So if they wanted to do this they should have done it in August.

What can they even "expose"?

That's why this is funny. It was a monumental waste of time. Some journalist signed up to Compound Media & then sat through 2½ years of a morning political webshow. While marking down every moment the hosts said/did something politically incorrect. They then write up An article talking about the show with some stuff taken out of context.

Not sure what they hope to achieve with this. Maybe they want him booted from CRTV's attic. If anything that will work against them though. He's hidden away there pretty well, CRTV don't really promote him much or anything - other than the "Get off my Lawn Mug" And the occasional twitter plug every now and then.

They might be trying to get his wife leave him. He’d brag that he could say anything on his show because it was behind a paywall.

He talked about totaling his car twice in 6 months. Once when he was drunk with his kids and wife in the car and drove off the road. He's pretty much an open book

say what you want about gavin, but he has a strong sense for the direction the wind is blowing and a drive to keep moving. Completely the opposite of what used to be Opie and Anthony, certainly Opie.

Reminder: 'islamophobia' is not racism