Doug Stanhope on Rogan talking about Louis

8  2017-12-07 by Lilcumia


Joe is such a horrible listener. He interrupts Stanhope right at the important part of the story and just stares off into space while trying to change the topic to his own story.

Doug’s a real good egg, but I’m starting to hate Joe. Doug tries keeping the mind of a comic and kept things light with his honest opinion, Joe takes it to a place where all the emotion and unique thought is boiled out to not upset his legion of SJW broscience fans.

When he starts talking about a woman being alone in a room with a guy, power, UFC fighters, killing the woman if she says no, what the fuck is wrong with that poof dwarf that he thinks people are bludgeoning women to death on the edges of ceramic toilet basins if they refuse a request to watch you masturbate.

When are we going to have someone talk about the fetish of being dominant as well, it’s ok to be a sissy and be submissive but it’s like there’s an agenda now from sub faggots that are passive aggressively policing how a man can be a mannsss mannn