Ron Bennington on the Nick Di Paolo Show (12/06/2017)

30  2017-12-07 by beavvv


Thank you

Get back to work

Suck a dogs dick

Did Ron come in before the last break for a few minutes? Yours has 4 more minutes than mine, and it didn't really sound like the beginning of the last break was Ron's entrance, but didn't hear him before that


Listened to chunks of the 11/29 Bennington, and holy cannoli is Gayle still the biggest F-ing zero in this biz: not funny, not interesting, grating voice, annoying laugh. Would literally rather stab ice picks into my ears than be aurally subjected on a regular basis to the incompetent delivery of her vapid nonsense. Ron, you devolved from legend to chump when you decided to dedicate the golden years of your broadcasting career to the complete farce that your offspring has any business being on the air. It's just uncomfortable to hear everyone else on the show plagued by the mass delusion that she contributes anything of worth, insight, or value. It's got to be enraging for other people in the industry who really had to work at it, take lumps, and earn stripes to see someone in a prominent role who got the kid gloves treatment from day one, was required to prove no mettle, and is nestled in an impenetrable-to-internal-criticism cocoon.

Couldn't have said it better myself. She is absolutely worthless on the show.