"El Bobo"

178  2017-12-07 by RBuddCumia


Nombre me perro es senor Maloonigans.

¿Què tipo de perro tienes?

te coges senor maloonigans?

Me prestas a tu hermana??

of course

Un schnoodle. ¿Bien?

Tu madre

¡aquí viene el semen antes!

¡Estás mintiendo!

Mi perro no tiene un nariz.




Por favor ayuda. Mi madre se cayó y necesitamos que la gente nos dé dinero. También tengo un pene mutilado que gotea pre cum. No estoy pidiendo

solamente si me dejas coger tu hermana.

Dame un burro macho a cambio y ella es tuya.

no problemo awlroighto

Es un percance desafortunado, alroight?

he's already el bobo, fuckin stupid dominican

Hes niggeraguan

and jewish through his dad.

Aqui viene el pre...

Twenty cinco percento retardo. Es no bueno



I am not el loying

This is the low level shit i came to the comments for

Tango un gato en los pantalones

¡jajaja santo mierda!

Tax payers must love funding "dreams"

The "dream" is to live in a society created by white people because 3rd world retards are less evolved and lack the capability to create functional societies of their own.


Estaba bloqueado

¡No digo una mentira!

I'm here to cream, awlroight?

gives a blowjob in spanish

I'd love to see Bobo on the show again soon...

He doesn't even look like a Mexican version of bobo st all

This sucks so much, I hate all of you

if ant would have a stepchild it would look like that

Who is more retarded, Bobo or a faggot who actually thought RIP MANSON RIP PEEP was cool? So edgy...........

Another swing and a miss, FaggotWithAIDS!

Ja ja ja where da fuck is Latin Chippah???!?

That ja ja ja shit is the most retarded thing ever. 12 year olds spamming JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA on every youtube-video fucking cunts

It's laughing in Spanish puto

No shit faggot. So is Ha Ha, but usually that's enough to convey the point, no need to go HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.


Niggas in here google translatin like a muug

¡estaba bloqueado!

Vatos Locos, awlright?

Vatos heados more like.

aquí viene el pre eyaculado

The sign should say "alright?" at the end

First time in a very long time I've seen Ant just make a joke on twitter. Perhaps he should do more of this and less of the political bullshit and he'll be more successful.

s-siento por es, siento por es

Tss ich bin ein Berliner or sumthin

garbage genes

Wake up beaners,it was just a dream. Ha ha ha.

cuarenta y ocho cirugías de pene

El Bobo es muy bobo