Artie didn't care enough about anything but drugs to the point he lost his gig with Stern: America's biggest talk radio show. What made CP Media think they'd be priority in his life?

74  2017-12-07 by Single_Action_Army

Stupid junkie fuck.


I wish Keith was smart enough to sprinkle some coke on his mic daily.

Worse, he gave one of the biggest junkies of all time $800k a year to work 8 hours a week. What could go wrong?

The $800k thing sounds like horseshit. He's been throwing that number out as a joke since Stern and there's no way CP could logistically support that

Art never made more than a mil a year from Stern.

At $9 a month that's almost 90k people subscribing just to support Artie's salary. Let's say some of that is subsidized by advertisers and renting the studio out and call it 50k subscribers just to support Artie which would mean there has to be at least 100k+ subscribers?

Gee, i don't know. Does that sound realistic to you guys?

He was clearly joking when he gave that figure out.


If that number came from Artie there is no reason to believe it's true.

I wish Keith was smart enough to sprinkle some coke on his mic daily.

Uhh, the high-quality production values?

Only the best from a studio that somehow got podcasting equipment into the city

People in this sub were praising Artie and A&A mere weeks ago lol

“ant’s show is funny now!”

Is it?

I never listened to it much, just the clips posted here and what survived on YouTube.
If I've gathered anything it's that Artie always sounds disinterested.

The show has always fucking sucked. It's just that Jim & Sam are so equally bad, it becomes difficult to juggle all that hate. On that topic, Opie juggles two giant breasts hanging from his unemployed chest.

Most of this sub are britfags now. You'll have to forgive them and their humiliating desperation for anything resembling entertainment.

All they do is drink tea, eat crumpets and suck brown peckers.

In fairness, TACS was the absolute bottom of the barrel as far as entertainment goes, so literally anything would be an improvement.

I don't recall any praise. I recall people gambling on how long until Artie fucks it up.

Come on now, you know the routine this sub falls into every time a new show is announced.

New show is announced

Sub: "wtf I love new show now! It's like we're back to classic O&A days!"

2 days to 2 weeks later

"They're running out of stuff to talk about, but it's still good!"

A month later

"Ugggghhh why does X keep doing Y???? Why won't A call X out on it?!?! It's still good in small doses though"

Two months later

"Fuck this fucking faggot show"

Much easier hours and a $35,000 desk.

Well this may come as a surprise to you but Anthony and his pathetic hanger ons are a bunch of gullible buffoons.

Anthony probably temps him with booze and young trannys but what artie really wants is heroin and blow

tss why doesn't he PERMANENT him or sumphin'??!??

Of course there were going to be some funny highs early on, but Artie and any gig with a regular schedule requiring a smidgen of commitment will always be as short-lived and ill-fated a marriage as Jim's upcoming nuptials. Artie even admitted on one of his last podcasts that he gets off on telling people he's not showing up to something. It provides immense release, and formally detaching enables him to burrow in and presumably let the opiate warmth wash over. Funny, funny guy with an ostensibly good heart...and a consummate loser fuck-up until the end. When his 9th life officially expires he'll find a way to be late to his own funeral.

He's already late to his funeral, he really shouldn't have lived this long.

Fawkin buried that cawksucka.

I think Anthony is playing IRL celebrity death pool

He's tipping the scales in favor of his Saudi sheik peers?

"Lost his gig" is a nice way to say attempted suicide by stabbing himself drank bleach and got admitted to a psych ward

I think my favorite part is Anth acting like it's no big deal, he doesn't care when Artie is late or a no show


I mean have you ever done heroin? Fuck life.

Is it just me or is CP a terrible abbreviation for these purposes? Maybe if you were talking about Ant's hard drives...

Do not speak ill of Anthony's CP website. It had great content for just over the price of Netflix, Artie is just an occasional added bonus

He shows up high as fuck but the flu is what makes him call out?

"Flu"=Withdrawl Symptoms

Im sick of this bullshit, I'm cancelling my sub. Fuck Artie. When Anthony gets something legit going again I'll pay for it because he's hilarious.

Joe Matarese's podcast. Everyone in the OnA universe still feels the shadow of that over them.

They got what they wanted more subscribers. Artie killing himself slowly is great for them.

Anything in life compared to heroin is shit to a heroin addict. do you think artie prefers doing the show or the warm blanket of relief that is heroin?

I'm not sure CP media was all that invested in the premise that Artie wouldn't be a train wreck. It was a win-win, if it works out then great and if it doesn't then the drama will make the show more relevant than anything Ant's done since O&A.

Loving the two wops combo of A&A, funny fucking stuff. But...Artie been gone for two shows now and looking weirder then he normally does for a few shows before that. He's taken to wearing a knitted winter hat so low over his face, it covers his eyes. He's looking like a muffet.

He is aloud to do drugs at ants place. Just has to be there for 2 hours, even a junkie should be able to handle that

Artie played them like the rubes they are.

Now he's in "I Never Look Good"/"I Wasn't Meant To Live This Long" mode again on the Twitter ....


He was breaking down, but Stern was being a dick to him. There was a lot of shitting on him for years. Shit went on constantly about weight and his dead father. No it wasn't done in a joking way and we really love you spirit. I was a Stern listener for many years and I hated Artie for the duration of his time on the show 99% of the time. Artie looked up to Stern and loved him cause Artie's Dad loved Stern. Yeah he's a grown up, but it's a definite factor.

I blame Stern.

Stern never knew a "real" drug addict before Artie and it fascinated him in a perverse way. So he milked it for freak show appeal like he does with everything else. Then it got too heavy for him, he panicked and severed ties.

That's such a (((kike))) move.

Yeah, what show would take advantage of the mentally ill and homeless for ratings?

I mean, even the mongrels here know Artie is a liability and he was even worse a decade ago

I agree

I don’t remember Howard exploiting Artie’s drug use, the only one who’d ever bring it up was Artie himself & I always got the vide that it made Howard uncomfortably. In no way did Howard hire Artie because of some curious fascination with real life junkies. Artie was treated with more respect than most of the other staff & not as some sideshow wack pack member. I’m not sure we were listening to the same show.

Stern was a dick to him, but he really only ramped that up in the last two years, after Artie came clean about how much he had lied to Howard and the show about his efforts to get healthy. I'm thinking specifically of how after his first breakdown Howard hooked him up with his shrink, then for months Artie lied like a sociopath about how well his sessions were going etc. Then, when finally confronted about it he admitted that he never went to the guy. At that point, after being rebuffed in his genuine efforts to help the guy, Howard stopped caring.

Yea he lied, but Howard's a pretty perceptive guy. Made a billion dollars by talking. Meditates, sees a shrink 3 times a week....

Which of these two things was more important to Howard?

  1. Artie's Health

  2. Having a schlub to shit on and dig into every bad behavior and all his psychology for on air content?

You can't pick both.

Howard is an evil person. He and Opie aren't that different, Opie's just a fucking loser.

I agree, fair points. If Howard was truly concerned or hurt by Artie he could have done something other than keep him on the show as a punching bag.

Howard was actually a lot easier on Artie on air than he could've been. He accepted him as part of the inner circle and didn't bust his balls that badly in HSS terms, aside from a few bits for the TV show. There were several Artie intervention attempts on air where he gave him some insightful advice.

I think the suicide attempt really freaked Howard out. That was when he realized how bad it was and how the show enabled him etc. It's another instance where I think Howard is ashamed of what he did on the radio for ratings & comedy. So it perpetuates his own problems, he cuts ties with Artie rather than repairing the relationship. These guys are all fucked up.

I see your points. I think Howard was fucking with him a little more then you say here. Also Ive always heard them say if something is important, you don't do it on air. I tend to agree with that.

We can make fun of him all we want but Howard is a guy who did cringe radio with the only limits being at the hands of the U.S. government. I liken the Artie thing to the thing where Howard mocked and bullied that actress who killed herself the next morning and he never referred to it ever again.

Towards the end when Artie started becoming very insufferable, I think Howard was way nicer and easier on Artie than he could have been. Artie was quite literally ruining the show for a good stretch of time because he was selfish and impaired. He was kinder and gentler with Artie than he was with even someone like Jackie who I thought added way more to the vibe of the show.

nicer and easier

kinder and gentler

Idk why I hate Stern fans so much,probably because you fags talk about him like he's a demigod instead of some washed up shock jock who hates his fans and you insist on spreading this asslapping outside of your containment corner which until recently had as many subs as an obscure radio show that ceased to exist 3 years ago. Atleast shit on that wig wearing old sellout like we do on these 3 morons and all their associated acts both past present and sadly future

He's an old queen, actually that wasn't "ass slapping" because it was a negative. One of the reasons I hated Artie was Howard sounded like a faggot sucking up to him. I haven't listened to Howard since I switched to O&A, are you one of those holdovers from that faggy radio war?

The reaction to Howard on here is pretty consistent, he was great when he was young and has been unlistenable for a long time. Was I mean enough for you, tina fey

I'm not a Stern fanboy, but he's right. He wanted to help Artie. Artie says Howard wanted to help him. If he wanted to be a dick he could have torn into him 1,000 times. And he could tear into him now that Artie has been bashing him for changing his ways, like he's torn into Grillo and Stuttering John. But he doesn't. And he let Artie continue being on the show until he started ruining it. Howard is a cunt and there's tons to trash him for, but his treatment of Artie is not one of them.

In Artie's version of events Howard resented him after the pelican line. But in reality he was trying to help him but the lying, swinging at Gary, and then being obviously high on air where he'd be mumbling and having a delayed reaction to anything said to him was too much disrespect. Obviously Howard has a low self-esteem about being ugly and didn't like the joke, but Artie wants to down play how 100% of the blame for him being excommunicated from Sternworld is his fault.

it's both dude, it was like 9 years. Was howard a big rich jew with a billion dollars who abused people yes? Was he also very nice sometimes, yea of course. Was Artie a suicidal drug addict yes? He also put up with a lot of shit and played it off like it didn't bother him, but it all did. There's just degrees, the drugs don't help that.

I'm not saying Howard is a sweetheart. But Artie saying he lost his job because Howard couldn't take the hit just isn't true. That was in 2007 and Artie stayed another 2 years. He was asked to leave because he was a wreck and admits snorting painkillers before the show and sneaking vodka into his soda bottles during the show during the last year. They gave him ultimatums and in the end he chose drugs.

I think there's degrees of addiction too, I wouldn't really say he 'chose' the drugs over a happy fulfilling life I just think his brains just wired to be a fuckup addict. Now he's been on that path for so long he can't learn the skills he needs to stay off the shit

Was howard a big rich jew with a billion dollars who abused people yes?

i hate when people question their own answer

got me, typo

I hate to say this, but that's oversimplifying shit. Off the show, Howard genuinely cared for Artie, and even Artie admits this. He paid for a lot of Artie's psychological help to get his head straight, and excused his frequent absences when any other host would cut ties.

But on the show, it's a different story. It's alpha dog radio-Howard time, and that means being a callous prick to long-time staff if it gets a laugh from the audience and fills up air time. Gary is a great example, since he understands the dynamic better than anyone. But tons of wack-packers have led good lives thanks to Howard, and he often checks up on their well-being. I'm not saying Howard hasn't gone Hollywood or that his show lost its bite, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a different guy off the air.

Opie is Opie no matter what hour it is. The only difference is that he's boring without other people holding him up. Gregg doesn't even have friends today, because he never learned how to honestly give a shit about people, whether they worked for him or not.

Please Howard basically treated Arie with kid gloves. If you think he’s an evil person does that make Colin evil when he busts Jimmys balls? There is little difference. Maybe you just don’t like that kinda of thing, which is weird that you’d be on the O&A sub or had ever listened the HSS. If teasing someone & ball breaking is evil to you than you might be in the wrong place pal. Wahhhh

It seems like Howie and Opie are both trying to entertain the audience. The difference is that Opie has no talent. He basically road on the coattails of the people that he hired.

That's why he was paying Sherrod and Vic out of his own pocket, he knew that he can't carry a show.

One of my huge frustrations with Sam and Jim is that they don't seem particularly concerned with entertaining anyone. You see that when Jim is bringing trannies and porn stars on for the 100th time; he knows nobody wants to hear it, but does it because he's into it.

Ant has actually improved a lot in this regard. I think that once he figured out that his livelihood depends on making the audience happy, he backed off on all the race rants and started bringing guests in.

Are you really gonna suggest that Artie was treated poorly by Howard on the air? Sure he got his balls busted but no more than Robin or Fred did & nowhere near as much as the rest of the staff were. Artie was never targeted like Gary or Scott, he was shown the most respect on the show, second only to Robin. Yes his weight & his father were occasionally content that was joked about, because that’s always been the nature of the show, just like Robins father fingering her as a child is. I think Artie would completely agree with me if his mind was right & let’s not forget Artie wasn’t one for feeling sorry for himself or being overly sensitive. His catchphrase was “wahhhh when hearing about someone’s sob story, which was hilarious; “wahhhh! My girlfriend left me, Wahhhh...I also found out I have cancer Wahhhh! I have 2 weeks to live Wahhhh Wahhhh“

Yeah, what show would take advantage of the mentally ill and homeless for ratings?

I mean, even the mongrels here know Artie is a liability and he was even worse a decade ago