When Bonnie got offended

27  2017-12-06 by Lilcumia


What's with the glasses, you old cunt?

"Let's go Rich"

If that was a deliberate joke, then I can forgive Bonnie's cuntiness here.

Bonnie Mcfarlane is the epitome of a cunt who can dish it out, but can't take it.

Sounds like FaggotWithAIDS.

She's cool 98% of the time...

Like 46/47ths of the time?

Sounds like FaggotWithAIDS.

That guy is the worst.

I’ve never seen this and it’s completely squashed any amount of respect I had for Vos or Bonnie. This is why women can’t be in comedy successfully and it’s why comics shouldn’t marry female “comedians”. I hope Bonnie’s sister gets raped by BoBo.

I dunno, Rich fighting with Bonnie to stick around long enough to plug his gig was pretty funny.

Yeah and we missed out on any more jokes because his wife made him leave.

I heard the reason why you can't make fun of wheelchair people is they can't stand up for themselves

Unrelated to this clip, but Pat Dixon is a talentless edgelord hack.

Fun show! Pat Dixon is a good egg.

Does this guy still exist? Not trying to be a dick. I remember people were always saying Pat Dixon's show was a hidden gem. And now I probably haven't heard anything about him for at least a year.

Because he's on compound media.

I used to watch his show until he kept having Bobo on

What a coincidence that they have a special rule for retards and Bonnie just happens to have a dunderhead for a sister.

theres nobody to like in this clip...

Is this why he’s doing a show with a retard in Bobo.

None of them are funny