She lives in Seal, South Korea

32  2017-12-06 by Dennyislife

Sam is not worldly. Not like Seoul is often in the news when North Korea is causing a ruckus


wu tang clan aint nothin to fuck wit

You need to diversify yo' bonds, nigga.


Also of note, Jim stated "I prefer Gentlemen".

Context isn't important here.

I thought it was pronounced "sah-ool"

"BABY! You lemind me of a kiss flom a wose on a glave, OOH! The crose I get to you the stlanger it feer yayayaaa!" -Korean Seal

We've already established that Sam is a goddamn dope. At this point, it's about seeing just how dumb he actually is.

just how deep the radio hole goes...

Its the depth of the well that is so amazing

Sam only reads Nu Male approved news sites so he wouldn't know anything about world events that have actual importance

He loves Teen Vogue.

Googling isnt a skill tho

Anthony used to say Danny was the master of Google searches. Only he could figure it out.

I don't mind people being stupid, the problem is that the stupid ones tend to be the most condescending.

You mean like Opie? Because I know this is breaking news, but Sam really is Nu Opie.

I'm sure his mom put those chicken tendies in a cement bag and that orangutan climbed up to the tree house so his Dad couldn't tell him about sex ed. Now we just wait for his kid to look like Bam Margera and we have a Perfect Circle.

They did a segment on O&A about the 10 most popular places to commit suicide. One of them was a bridge in Prague in the Czech Republic. Sam read it out as "Prayg." He's a massive idiot.

it's almost like that retarded half breed only consumed wrestling and extremely popular music for his entire life

You're forgetting his diet of cheetos and microwave pizza. Of course his brain is massively underdeveloped. A positive would be a an early death though. I dont think he touched a vegetable in his life

What are we expecting of a man who eats dinosaur shaped chicken tendies and watches WWE?

Sam is one of those people who got railroaded through his education without learning a single thing. And he’s probably proud of it.

The fact that he has wrestlers on the show explicitly defines him as a halfwitted manchild.

His parents wasted a lot of money on that Syracuse University education.

Could you describe the ruckus, sir?

I was beaten to the 'seal' comment but the frustration I feel when this missing link continues to see himself as one of the best and brightest despite all the evidence to the contrary is disheartening. You guys did a phenomenal job taking down Opie--Roberts just isn't smart enough to understand how stupid he really is.

He is so fucking stupid and has a baffling amount of arrogance.

Sam is Opie with just a hint of pop culture knowledge, and sometimes manage to be the "straight man" (his ignorance too often fails him to actually shoulder the role of the straight-man trope)

Both unfunny bullying dopes with no common knowledge.

I wish he would get clubbed like a seal.

I hope that school is proud of their boy mutant.