
132  2017-12-06 by Dennyislife


What a legend

Difference between male comics and female comics when a camera is pointed at them.

Don't try to make a pithy observation about this you fucking pretending faggot. There's no noteworthy social commentary to be made about Sarah Silverman smiling next to Doug Stanhope exposing himself. You were just bored and wanted to say something poignant sounding

Hahahahaha 34 people pretended your comment actually meant something and upvoted it

The lack of dignity and willingness to self humiliate required to do that is nothing short of staggering

Seek help

Any doctor would recommend a blindfold so I don't have to see what worthless, pathetic faggots you choose to be every day of your lives

Or just don't come to this sub...

No no, a doctor prescribed blindfold is the only solution.

<insert overused Jim Norton toe trigger shotgun reference here>

Something something I wish he'd prescribe you 30mgs of cyanide to take with every meal, you rotten cunt.

When I say faggot I don't mean homosexual, I mean you're a fucking faggot. If you were gay that would be fine

Calm down faggot

Hey, the jerk store called. They said they're all out of jerks! I said "I gotta big one right here I can loan ya. In fact, you can keep him. Cos he's the biggest jerk I've ever seen and I just don't have the room".

You say odd shit to people

“Like what?” “Like what! Like that!”


You were just bored and wanted to say something poignant sounding.

Doesn't sound like you at all, does it, you try-hard shit-stabber?

When do I ever say anything poignant

I say things that are true, but I don't go for shoehorned "tell it like it is" moments like that faggot did

When do you ever say anything intelligent, much less poignant?

Par for the course for a white trash middle school dropout who never knew his dad. Can't say I'd blame him, he'd be like Joe Cumia Sr. knowing he had a faggot like you for a son (still enjoying the tranny porn? Many a truth is told in jest, but you're just a dumb faggot who doesn't know any better).

Tell us more about how Gene Simmons is the "God of Thunder!"

I love seeing a clown like you try to act like you're anything more than a faggot who is dumb white trash.

What happened to "RIP MANSON RIP PEEP"

Oooooooooooh, how edgy! Try harder, FaggotWithAIDS. Keep us all laughing.

How's the Dave Smith boycott going, FaggotWithAIDS?

Oh you again sup dude

Wow, you sure showed them. They fear your intelligent insight into social commentary, RapistWithAIDS

Don't pretend I'm not right

He pretended to make a meaningful point, and like Muslims in Mecca, the rest of you gathered around him and pretended together, as an emotional group bonding ritual

Muslims would downvote me en massse for pointing it out too

I was hoping you would go after Muslims, unexpectedly and unprovoked

RapistWithAIDS, the hero we don't deserve

Yeah using an example of group ritual pretend behaviour as an analogy is going after the Muslims

You're incapable of beating me in any psychological exchange

Stick to what you're good at lasagna hat, which is making calculated one liners about show personalities based on what people will upvote

You're incapable of beating me in any psychological exchange

Probably because psychological exchange isn't a real thing. Go ahead, Google it, you fucking retard

You meant to say, "intellectual exchange"...perhaps it's time to rethink your "intellect"

Stick to what you are good at, being a faggot who is scared of Muslims.

No I meant a psychological exchange. I don't consider myself an intellectual because reading is gay

why do you come to this sub? you never post anything funny. It's always "you're all a bunch of phonies, maaaaaan." and then when you get called on it, it's always "hey I'm just telling the truth here." What about r/opieandanthony makes you need to show us children the light?

I am this subreddit. You all don't even realise it, but you all take after my posting style subconsciously, even those who've never acknowledged my username. Before I started posting here years ago, you were all socially conscious John Oliver fans. Now everyone says faggot and acts hardcore in every post but they aren't truly hardcore like me so it doesn't work

The question isn't why do I come here, it's why cant you guys be yourselves

Idk dude, I see a lot more chip jokes and Vos plugs than people trying to act hardcore. Folks like Joe Matarese and Dave Smith get smashed but that's this sub trying to emulate Jimmy blasting people more than anything

They don't only emulate me but they do emulate me

The Vos plugs and Antwan Kumiya jokes are prime examples of people not being themselves, and just trying to parrot the behaviour of the group in a slavish, socially needy hivemind ritual. These are the people who genuinely care if they get downvoted and will delete or edit posts based on that

Are you seriously saying you don't prefer to have individuals with their own personalities here. Would you rather it just be Vos plug threads

No, simmer down. I didn't say that I preferred anything, just that this sub is more than a bunch of dudes saying faggot and trying to be hardcore.

And yeah I like original takes on comedy too. But just cause someone's joke isn't a completely unique thought doesn't mean it's useless. Sometimes a Vos plug joke bombs but they are some that do get me and I have to admit are clever. Delivery can sometimes be as funny as originality

Proximity rape.

Joey Diaz and Ralphie May had a podcast talking about how Doug would have women and the Comedy Store in LA come on stage to shave his balls...

Sarah, comment?

Doug is great, in small doses. I like his standup and his last book was good. I listened to his podcast for a bit, and some of it was hilarious A+ stuff. But for the most part is was unfunny and depressing, i binged a whole bunch of them and i felt similarly depressed as when i bingewatched “Oz”. It just puts you in a shitty state of mind. Same outcome too: there is no hope for anyone involved. Him and Shank should be the only ones allowed to speak.

Yeah I love him but got the same thing from his pod cast, it left me kind of depressed like I got an inside look at what it's like to be a morbid alcoholic.

It isn't alcoholism, there are a lot of alcoholics who are motivated and exciting

Stanhope is just a depressed guy who doesn't care, and he attracts legions of loser followers and friends who have no life motivation and then just life in pointless inertia together

How's that cure for cancer research going for you?


People who cure cancer aren't interesting or exciting, I was referring to people like other artists and entertainers

Slash is an example of a cool alcoholic

Stanhope's "pointless inertia" keeps consistently churning out books, specials and podcasts of quality that Anthony Cumia can only dream of.

Yeah but only losers care about that

People like Junior Stopka

Shank is great. It's too bad he doesn't have an actual paying radio or podcast gig.

Mug gotta a sack on him for sure

No wonder he doesn't run.

LOL at Sarah Silverman that fake bitch.

saint on ert

Dougie "Baby Dick" Stanhope.

It's a fine enough hog, tragically dwarfed by the pendulous bozack behind.

Stanhope is a legend

U can tell that one bitch in the middle doesn't want to be around that. I love it!

Doug rules

A NSFW tag would be nice...

fag alert

Couple of Titleist V1's in his scrote.

TIL Doug Stanhope is a single hander.

Lieutenant Turkish Taffy Sack reporting for duty, sir.


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What's gayer? Stroking it in public or grabbing the tit of a man who strokes it in public?

I thought Burt Kreischer invented the pants down thing.

A picture of a girl (allegedly) showing her tits gets the NSFW tag, but a man's balls does not warrant one. No mistaking which sub I'm reading.

Doug's balls started sagging at 14, just like me

Don't try to make a pithy observation about this you fucking pretending faggot. There's no noteworthy social commentary to be made about Sarah Silverman smiling next to Doug Stanhope exposing himself. You were just bored and wanted to say something poignant sounding

Hahahahaha 34 people pretended your comment actually meant something and upvoted it

The lack of dignity and willingness to self humiliate required to do that is nothing short of staggering

It isn't alcoholism, there are a lot of alcoholics who are motivated and exciting

Stanhope is just a depressed guy who doesn't care, and he attracts legions of loser followers and friends who have no life motivation and then just life in pointless inertia together