Are any of you actually christian?

4  2017-12-06 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I don't know why but I find the pro christian comments that pop up here to be the weirdest. It just doesn't fit aesthetically.


It's the increasing /pol/ presence since the election.

They're reactionary Christians. Most progressives are atheists, so they'll take the converse position despite no sincere belief.

Does anybody have thoughts that are their own anymore? Or is it all being contrary to some thing you hate for reasons you don't even know anymore?

I was gonna make a chip joke about having the name christian (Tsss), which led me to look up christian slaters twitter. Which led me to this

Any man that calls himself a feminist should be buried up to their neck and stoned to death

You can just be honest and admit that you've been trying to find some way to insert that "joke" about christian slater and jumped the gun.

Ah yes.. my ace in the hole christian slater "Joke"

First off, it wasn't a joke. Second of all, fuck yourself you faggot.

The response of somebody who totally isn't upset that their joke missed the mark.

The response of a fucking delusional cunt that thinks a human being actually has a BANKED joke about christian slater...

Not banked. That implies sitting on the joke for a long time.

Listen, we've all thought of something funny and tried to shoehorn it into a situation prematurely. It hurts but it will pass.

When should I have make a "joke" about christian slater being stoned to death?

Oh great and wise comedy expert.

Jesus Christ. You're just proving my point. If this was a throw away joke you would have move on my now instead of getting offended like a big fruity boy.

So now you're saying its a banked "joke'. Yeesh make up your mind comedy expert. Can't a man wish death upon a faggot without someone saying that comedic timing was off?

Stick to making these posts with enthralling questions you dullard

No. That's not what I'm saying. As I said above, a banked joke would be a joke you've been sitting on for a while. This was obviously a joke you thought of recently and have been trying to shoehorn into a situation, as I said in my first response.

I'm actually concerned for you. I've never seen somebody take criticism of their failed attempt at humor so poorly. You get offended very easily. If you want to hug things out, send me a PM and we can take it from here.

I made a simple death wish upon Christian Slater and you came out of left field with "joke" criticisms like you are booking acts for the laugh factory and theories on when I developed this "joke".

That's a weird thing to do. You're weird.

You've spent several posts defending your "simple death wish upon Christian Slater."

That's a weirder thing to do.


I heard dissecting Christian Slater jokes on an obscure subreddit is a real hoot at parties.

I'm an emotional recluse, so I don't go to many parties.

Mr Robot went from the best first episode of a show to the shittiest piece of shit I've ever seen.

He's been convicted of assaulting and sexually harassing women, he has to lie and aggressively identify as a feminist to get work. I think that's what the kids call "performative" these days.

Yes, if you don't believe in god you're an illiterate buffon that reads more pop-culture shit than actually think for yourself. Pure mathematically there's no argument for god not existing. And the whole probability of us existing is so small that it just can't be a coincidence, either that or everything we have learned about how we are born, is wrong.


So habitable planets in our galaxy and the fact of our evolution doesnt even introduce any doubt? You cant believe in a christian god and NOT believe the earth is 6000 years old too. And then it becomes a question of which god? Why jehova and not mighty Tengri?

Because of the universe being endless there's an endless opportunities of god existing.

And about evolution i would say that in itself has such a low chance of happening it can't just be a coincidence, but then again it happened. Just as an example, think about the chance of you existing. You had to add all the various sperm present in your fathers yambag that time. Then multiply that with the amount of different times it could happen instead that wouldn't mean you got to exist. Like if it happened a day before instead, or a week, or if he didn't meet your mother at all. Then you have to multiply all of that exponentially because the same logic applies to both your mother, your father and all of their ancestors. Then multiply that with the possibility of humans existing at all, life existing at all etc.

You end up with such a low probability for you existing that it can't possibly be just a coincidence. Pure mathematically, you shouldn't exist.

Level with me though. You seriously believe a guy was born of a virgin and came back from the dead and that a great flood happened and all that shit? Come on.

Yes why not?

Its bonkers. Thats why. So you really think noah built an ark and the animals for the floody, floody?

You don't think it has happened before in history that a flood was happening, laying a large landmass under water?

And he collected 2 of EVERY animal? Seriously?

Maybe he was a collector?

Because immaculate conception is patently impossible, as is resurrection. Miracles are impossible, by definition.

Just as an example, think about the chance of you existing

Yeah, I saw a car with the registration JHD 891 this morning. What are the chances of that?! Over 17 million to one!

Makes you think.

Fuck of heathen!

No need to be crass.

lol wut?

With religionists ive always wondered why they worship their god in particular? Why jesus and not zoroaster? Or tengri? Genghis khans success must be a testimony to his favor, right? Amaterasu just sounds way cooler than the rest yet christians absolutely hate these pre abrahamic gods without legitimising their own. Its gay.

You know im right faggot. Stalin had the right idea with you religious nuts.

I like some things Stalin did.

Like saving europe? Me too comrade.

He shipped the (((troublemakers))) out.

L'Chayim, Comrade Stalin!

Well if you read each religions scripture certain ones have more relevance to what’s going on reality. The Bible has got a lot of good stuff in it. With that said you can believe in God and not be religious.

Does it really though? Ancient greece seemed to lay the bedrock of civilisation without it pretty well.

Ancient Greece wasn’t shit compared to the actual ancients. Just recycled technology giving no credit.

you need to get right with the lord

I kinda envy those that are. I have a friend that's a Jehovas Witness. I mock her religion and she doesn't mind. She seems to be at peace with a lot of things and I can totally see how that would be a nice feeling. But what I can't see, is going from the cynic I am now, to accepting something so over simplified and made up. I wish people had an answer though. They just don't.

To me believing in god is on the same level of absurdity as believing in rumpelstiltskin.


Hot take.

You will not find God here.

I still consider myself Catholic. I just don't believe in God.

Wut...thata the whole point

I get the feeling it's based on priorities.

Christianity <- family values/unit <- breeding more white people <- beat the jews in their evil plan to eliminate the white race through diversity and interracial breeding <-----this is priority #1 for these people and overrides everything else. The rest are just means to an end.

Jews for Jesus.

Nein mein Dummy

The response of somebody who totally isn't upset that their joke missed the mark.

Like saving europe? Me too comrade.