Has Rogan watched any stand up other than Sam Kinison?

14  2017-12-06 by TinKnockinMoroccan

He acts like Kinison was one of the great thinkers of our age.


You make a good point for once. I have watched maybe 10 full episodes total of JRE and it seems like he mentioned Sam Kinison in every one.

Me and this girl, we must have been 19, we're sitting in the middle of a parking lot listening to the day the laughter died on cassette literally howling it was the god damn funniest thing we've ever heard.

Holding your sides from the raucous laughter?

What else do you expect? This is the same man who said, "DOLLA DOLLA BILLS YA'LL!"

I think that was the Wu Tang Clan.

so hes a shitty comic AND a thief!

I think he's talked about watching some Dice.

Has anyone addressed Joe Rogans “comedy” voice yet? This isn’t his normal voice.

kinison is terrible

He just does that so us common folk associate “Kinnison, ,good comic, and Joe Rogan” all in the same thought.

He ignores the San Kinison child fucking

Buddy Hack It.