Reminder: Jim feels empowered saying the word "unacceptable" to customer service reps

20  2017-12-06 by FlashVirus

He brags how when anything goes wrong he calls up customer service just to say "unacceptable. This is unacceptable. Unacceptable." until they apologize and fix whatever is bothering him.


Baby boy gets what baby boy wants

I work in customer service and I hope he fucking dies of aids.

Do you have to deal with people like him at least once a day? I couldn't imagine putting up with that shit

Don't be a complete failure at life and you won't have to.

Why would you waste a wish on a sure thing?

What would you rather customers do, just allow themselves to get fucked over because it makes your work day easier? Fag


I usually just tell you fags to kill yourselves and switch companies.

This is unacceptable


Then you're in luck!

Future you is in for some great news!

Shutup and go restock the shelves you crumb bum

women say unacceptable, it's their cunt fuck way of saying fuck you.

He deserves to be stabbed in a random act of violence.

It'll be a planned act, probably by Mrz. Chipperson.

Always thought this was a Bill Burr bit

I thought the same tbh.

Yeah Burr took this brilliant strategy from Jimmy

in Bill's bit he says 'inappropriate'

Pig Amy is rubbing off on Worm Jimmy.

I was just listening to the 8/24/2010 Nopie last night and Jimmy talks about doing this to customer service to Bill Burr and Bill tells him he is a genius. God I hope Ol Billy Boy took this and ran all the way to Netflix with it.

That is simply unacceptable.

yeah this is a one-off on things that Jim says.

He also loves fat unclipped cocks

He thinks any woman without a big, veiny penis is unacceptable...

Is he wrong?

I get it though. If you're paying for something and it's not working right, and you have no idea how to work it, it really shouldn't be accepted...

And they are mother fucking just him by not having that size of cup he wanted

Fucking ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssscumbagssss

Uppity gay men are generally rude to customer service staff.

Yup. Also mothers and old broads are fucking nightmares too

Bill Burr and the other cellar comics would sit around and discuss ways to make complaints in such a way that the customer service rep would put you through to the manager.

They're divas. They're primadonnas, every last one of them.

But they are alpha males being brutally honest about pink shirts

Thats unacceptable, stupid

And yet Jimmy doesn't listen to other comedians...

Jim Norton found a way to get lazy ass entry level employees to do their jobs and you’ve found an excuse to bash him again. My sister works in one of those for spectrum and the job is a joke. Get over it faggots. I don’t care about Jimmy and I realize how much he lacks self awareness at this point but at least say something unique and stop reminding us. If you need upvotes that bad then post one of Opie’s tweets with a tired reference.

REMINDER: You’re a pandering lump of cancer on this sub.

Pretty sure I heard someone say if you keep saying something is "unacceptable" they'll give you free shit. Almost certain it was the Nia rubbing off on Bill Burr.

Bill Burr told him to say that. And it works. I said it once and got the mechanic to foot half the bill

Sam in unacceptable. The very fact that he holds him over our heads is unacceptable. I blame Jim for Sam.

So did Beldar Conehead, fuck Jimmy.

he focuses on his teenaged alcoholism as a way to avoid the real issues in his life


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Jesus I'd nearly forgotten. Thanks for reminding me. These reminders are a godsend.