Sweet Jimmys WoMAN has a bigger jaw line than Jay Leno

1  2017-12-06 by simbad_reb


"Her" hands are so abhorrent. Imagine having your cock grabbed by a those big, meaty, calloused meat hooks.

But she would give you a hell of a fisting. There are some advantages to big hands.

I dont want to

My theory is that they get married and then she de-transitions. Leaving Jimmy the option to commit suicide by hanging.

"de-transitions" - AKA, "gets her hair cut".

There are plenty of traps and trannies I'd consider at least a grope and jackoff session with.

This is a man in a dress and a wig. What does Norton find appealing about this? If he likes men why does he want them to dress like a ridiculous overcompensating girl?

I looked through the people he follows on twitter. 98% of the trannies he follow literally look like a man with a wig on. It’s sad. He follows more ladyboys than actual female porn stars.

Because he is gay as gay can be but does not want to own it.

It's Prince Jim Norton; he paid that mentally ill gentleman a lot of Chaturbate tokens to earn that title; show him some goddamn respect and address him as such.

Hey now, he isn't a simple token prince, he's the King of schmucks.

That dudes got some big ass hands

Looking at the angle of this picture made the back of my neck hot with anger.

You mean lust right?

Did I need to mention that?

Is he going to propose to her? For reals or is this just a bit?

Her hands are so big, thats actually an ipad

I am willing to contribute to funding to get this beast to admit she’s Jim’s gf.

I'd fuck that dude


I bet she lifts Jimmy upside down and forces him to blow her.

Forces? Come on now, friend.

Seriously. All she has to do is point and he drops quicker than the towers

This Gunther guy got a jaw that would break Chuck Norris' fist.

At one time I thought the episode of Seinfeld with "manhands" was rediculous.

Y’all bugging out that ass is fat as a mug