Artie is MIA

11  2017-12-05 by The-Lunger

And it's a great reminder of how things were only a few months back. Between the hole and no co host, today has been ponderous for the most part but I'm still holding out hope Artie does half a day anyway.


"AHA HA HA, I don't care!"

If Anthony had a single testicle, he would confront Artie on the air and demand reimbursement for the pay he's given Art.

He tweeted 8 minutes before you posted this.

I don't know if that counts as MIA.

Artie put a tweet out at 4:50PM plugging an upcoming appearance. He don't give a fuck.

those are automatic, i think. Artie's assistant also tweets that shit.

My assistant also tweets for me, the ones that don't get any likes and retweets that is.

My assistant only tweets offensive tweets for some reason

I have the same problem with my assistant but ironically he's Asian. Very vile, racist things he's always sending out

his health doesn't allow it

Is he still out?

Yeah, never showed up.

ha ha ha, holy shit

So he's no-showing three months in.

Surprised it took this long.

Tss, wat does no one on the corner have swagger like him?


tss Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack yuma

Call a dog catcha or sumthin I dunno

Artie wants to quit show business, but he'd rather die than work an 8-5.

There is not way he would be able to work 8-5 when he can't even show up for a 2 hour podcast 4 days a week.

... that's way late in the afternoon.

It's almost the easiest work schedule you could possibly have, where not showing up means you are a total degenerate failure at life who should commit suicide.

He used to brag about being late to a podcast he records in his living room. Why would this be any different.

"Rather Die Than Work 9-5" sounds like track 2 off the Sick Fuckin Puppies debut album.

And then it's just a metal version of the Dolly Parton song.

is Artie broke? i don't/haven't followed him at all but i always thought he was marginally successful and had banked a ton but i'm also not too sure how well heroin addicts are at managing their finances.

He's a degenerate gambler and a junkie who probably pays to much for his dope. He also loves in a condo in Hoboken. He can't retire and keep his current situation going.

Recently after one of his hospital visits he tweeted that he was doing more gigs because he needed the money.He is broke. Not hard to go through hundreds of thousands sniffing drugs and I don't think he makes milliions

LoL Artie, show business. The guy is in the outer fringes of Hollywood, barely dabbling in it a few times only to fail completely and be a nobody. Howard Stern is the biggest star he knows, and that's saying something.

Rest in peace

I hope Anthony has a pay by the minute contract with Artie.

If it’s a flat rate he is getting screwed

This is of course right after Anthony says he has no problem with Artie showing up late. Bet he cares now.

I bet the contract Keith wrote up is rock solid, so Ant has nothing to worry about


Ant may not care, but I wonder how long paying subscribers will put up with this?

Not happy

Did Ant say up front that Artie wasn't coming in,

or did he just sit there for two hours waiting for him to show up

but he doesn't, leaving Ant just embarrassingly hanging there?

Not really sure what your point is. You seem like an illiterate fag.

Yeesh, now that's good television!

Ant said he'd go longer to make up for the time Artie was late and can still barely hit the two hour mark

Did Ant say up front that Artie wasn't coming in,

or did he just sit there for two hours waiting him to show up

but he doesn't, leaving Ant just embarrassingly hanging there?

If Anthony had a single testicle, he would confront Artie on the air and demand reimbursement for the pay he's given Art.

He is right now on a floor somewhere clutching Rosary Beads. His body is cold and there are white/grey fluids frothing in his mouth.

Sleepover at Stinks house!

I only subbed for 6 months I knew he wouldnt last.

those are automatic, i think. Artie's assistant also tweets that shit.