John Oilver raped me.

29  2017-12-05 by bhp6




a second accuser - he really needs to answer for this!

Take to twitter, where his prosecution can begin.

Ah, the future, where an unverified 150 character post by a struggling C-list actress on a website can destroy your successful multi-decade career in show business overnight!

Basically flying cars.

he fingered me is that rape?

I can't stand that unfunny, limey cunt with his snaggle teeth and shitty inbred accent. HBO has the worst "comedy" talk shows.

I think he's funny, but he's certainly the rest of that description.

Biased as fuck and clearly has an agenda, but funny.

You mean his writers are funny and he does funny faces at the appropriate moments?

He's had a few good shows. This one on civil forfeiture is good:

Basically anything that is a) obviously fucked up where you cant not agree b) not politically slanted subject, because he'll shamelessly take the predictable opinion every time.

But otherwise he exactly the type of people feeding the 'outrage culture', pushing more people towards combining surface level understanding of subjects, smug superiorirty, and slacktivism.

Not to mention he only goes after safe/low hanging/easy targets like Scientology and Televangelists, well after they are mainstream/obvious issues. They have no balls to hit hard subjects.

At least he delivers the jokes, that is more than you can say about Bill Maher.

True, he might be funnier, but I've seen Bill Maher tackle some hard issues honestly. He's at least got balls, unlike John Oliver. Regardless of political views I respect that. And Bill Maher isn't reading a pre-written script off a teleprompter nearly as much as John Oliver.

He put a miniature replica of Big Ben in my asshole and laughed while he ate a full English breakfast. He's a monster and must be stopped.

Well it could have been worse, he didn't put the actual big ben up your shitter.

Kudos, John Oliver.

Are there any americans over in england that just shit all over the queen every night?

The only one I'm aware of is Meghan Markle.

I bet he used a lot or Earl, with a name like John oilver, Tsss.

Just hearing his name is rape.

You were spit roasted by John Oliver and Stephen Colbert, weren't you?

um wait, did john OILVER even use OIL?
