Jim had to explain a Pulp Fiction reference to Sam for a full 30 seconds before he got it

90  2017-12-05 by HookerMouth82

This show stinks.


Yeah but Sam has to explain how the honky tonk man beat Rick rude in a loser leaves town match.

That never happened

holy shit man lol

After the match the crowd left town

The Honky Tonk Man NEVER beat Rick Rude in a loser leaves town match.

Yeah like the litmus test for your value as a human is how dutifully you cuck out over Tarantino

Go on, pretend to laugh at the "Royale with cheese" dialogue for the 100th time, and act like it's "brilliant" even though you suspiciously can never explain exactly how

I can't even get annoyed at your posts anymore. They're so outlandishly angry that I can only laugh.

Explain why Royale with cheese is funny

Actually break it down

You can't

Oh RapistWithAIDS, what would we do without you? Besides be half a percent less collectively autistic, I mean.

We heard you.

It's not supposed to be funny, occasionally it's funny when someone does an impression of it. Not understanding humor is a huge part of being autistic

I'm too cool to possibly be autistic

You don't like Pulp Fiction?

It's fine, and he's very talented as a director

Just stop with the mythology of Tarantino's genius. He's a film nerd who knows a lot about the art and makes pastiche films

His last like 4 movies have been the same recycled politicallly correct cuck revenge plots (empowered woman gets revenge on men, Jews get revenge on Germans, black guy gets revenge on white southerners, and then whatever the hateful eight was about, I'm sure it follows the pattern though doesn't it?)

the hateful eight was a boring, long drawn out, forgettable version of reservoir dogs. the only part I liked was the following line, and that was just because of my O&A autism:


I have no words for that clip. I rest my case: All Tarantino fans jerk off to BLACKED.COM

I'm not even a racist or political or anything, but just as an unbiased observer, I'm informing you white people that you are absolutely ENTHRALLED by the Jews and they have cuckolded you completely, to the point where you literally pay to finance the humiliation and then write rave reviews about it

I'm not even a racist or political or anything, but just as an unbiased observer, I'm informing you white people

For someone who isn't even a racist or anything you you sound quite racist.

I have to be fair and rational. If the Jews have managed to cuck a race so completely and thoroughly, they deserve due credit. Especially when said race actually angrily downvotes people who point it out on the internet, like a prison bitch standing up for their daddy

I have to be fair and rational

You have Opie's Hughes level of self awareness.

0.20 credits have been deposited into your account.

You sound like you belong on the front page asking for ELI5's.

No I did NOT!

True 100%

I downvoted all your other posts but this one is right on

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

(The broken clock being you)

You were talking about yourself. The downvoting wills it.

boring, unnecessarily long, forgettable version of reservoir dogs.

Reservoir Dogs was a heist movie where all of the characters know each other. Hateful Eight is a whodunit where none of the characters know each other.

Hateful Eight was awesome, especially because it had Walton Goggins.

nobody knows each other in reservoir dogs, they just met before the heist. they have to figure out who the undercover cop is, and if I remember correctly, in the hateful eight don't they have to figure out who the imposter is as well?

Hateful Eight had more in common with The Thing than Reservoir Dogs

The Thing

ive never seen the thing, what is that about, a fuckin pecka or somethin


This is probably Reddit's favorite movie clip ever. A white kid being forced to suck a fat black dick... none of them could explain to their girlfriends why they covered their laps with the popcorn during this scene

You're just a dumb cunt.

Hey, up yours, pal

inglorious basterds is better than pulp fiction.

I agree I hate wacism

it was a fun movie you political hack

what a dope

I liked the scene with "bear Jew" guy, played by the that Hollywood Jew who makes gratuitous sadistic torture porn exploitation movies. That's a guy who I trust for moral instruction :o)

He really showed us white people what for :o)

I'm one of the good ones, not like those other racists who don't like seeing their demographic butchered in film :o)

Seriously though, I'm not s conservative at all, I just tell the truth. I usually have interracial grant BDSM tabs open when I post here

I love how they end up making the German officer that gets the bat the brave good guy and Jew the sadistic murderer.

If you're implying that was Tarantino's intent, stop lying. Stop trying to suspend disbelief. You're just pretending it's something other than what it is because you're already invested in liking it and can't handle the cognitive dissonance

I don't think that it was intended.

You didn’t like Django?

It's the way he says it. The delivery is what's funny. That should be obvious to any normal functioning person.

Where are you on the spectrum fella?

Thanks for admitting that there's nothing funny about it, and you just laughed at the rhythm of because you felt like you were supposed to

How could Tarantino have deliberately written this "funny delivery" by Travolta into the script, by the way?

Oh fuck me. I hope you're trolling.

Not an argument

You're saying a classic scene isn't funny because you don't think the way a line is delivered can be funny. There's no argument. You're wrong.

We both know I ruined that scene for you permanently

Deep down, you know you're a douche

I like you.

Check out the big brain on brad!

You ever notice how film reference people are always the most miserable and self loathing? People like Anthony. It's like you need to believe in this mythology, this canon of films and quotes that just are "funny" even if there's nothing in it to make you laugh. It's like you need to believe that they contain some eternally funny matter, in order to find some meaning in this bleak universe

In reality none of it is eternally, statically "funny", all humor is time relative and inevitably decays like Lenny Bruce and jerry Lewis did

Stop pretending it's funny. Stop needing to believe that to get though this bleak existence without killing yourself

Someone get this hothead out of here.

You sense on a base instinctive level that I'm your superior

Do you feel in charge?

Do you know what they call a Big Mac in France?

Pecka sauce sandwich?

Deep down, you know you're a douche

Who doesn't?

Tbf the funnier part is Jackson repeating it. Also it's just referential humour, nothing more complicated

Thank you for reiterating everything I'm saying

There is no "engine" to the piece of comedy, you are laughing at a his delivery and cadence as a douchey, subconscious Pavlovian social cue

Can you give me some examples of good comedy?

It doesn't even have to be good comedy. It just had to be a joke. There has to be a joke there

You could explain Louis CK's "fucking kids must be awesome" but to a non English speaker and they would get why it's funny. You couldn't do this with "he said Royale with cheese in a funny way HAHAHA IS THIS THE PART WHERE IM SUPPOSED TO LAUGH TO SHOW THAT I GET IT AND FIT IN?"

You could explain Louis CK's "fucking kids must be awesome" bit to a non English speaker and they would get why it's funny.


Whatever you were trying to convey with that, you did poorly

What are you saying?

That your best example of comedy was about a sexual assaulter joking about diddling kiddies

So that post was just one of many examples of why your existence objectively doesn't matter

Oh what a surprise.

Something else you've got a deliberately controversial opinion on.

You're such an interesting, deep thinking cool dude.

You can block a users posts if you want


While we're pointing out things that are obvious even to mongoloids let's go with "you can take a day off from trying to get attention for your boring, gay, deliberately controversial opinions on a subreddit for a dead radio show."

Gutless moon cricket.

Wait, are you actually insinuating that I'm a troll. Quite a bold indictment

Good one.

Try not having the last word for once and looking at yourself.

It's way more fun to laugh at what a try-hard faggot you are. Aren't you due for another Dave Smith manifesto, FaggotWithAIDS?

RIP MANSON! Oooooh, what an edgy faggot you are!

You should change your name to RapistWithAIDSBiggeatFan

Your forum stalking actually chills me sometimes

You literally can't explain humor. Something is just funny or it isn't.

I bet Jim has only watched clips of Pulp Fiction. Y'know so it doesn't interfere with his creative process.

What was the reference?

Mr. Wolf. Sam said "who's Mr. Wolf?"

No wonder... he is referred to as "The Wolf" in the movie. Not Mr. Wolf.

He's known as Winston Wolf in terrible car insurance ads- https://youtu.be/zIuKofk4nnM

Get a better country dickhead

Not my country fuckhead.

Arrrgh fuckhead sounds loike a roight in'erestin' country says oi arrrgh

Mr. Wolf. Sam said, "Who's Mr. Wolf?"

And you still didn't get that Sam was making fun of Jimmy for saying "mister"? Jesus fuciken christ your stupit.

No, he wasn't. I listened to the fucking thing, you stupid fucking nigger.

And Sam was making fun of the 20 something year old interns for not getting the Dr. pepper and diablo sandwich reference from the early 80's while he's 30 something and cant get a 90's reference.

Sam did that? I guarantee you they made fun of him for the same thing. That's just him trying really hard to be "like" them.

Smokey and the bandit was 1977, sir

My fault, There were like 3 of them muggs, I did not see the original until the early 80's when my family got a VCR. Shit I wasn't even born in the 70's.

No he didn’t . He said he probably wouldn’t get the reference if it wasn’t done so many times on the original show in the past

I like how Sam pretends to like the smokey and the bandit clip

Has Jim seen anything other than the gimp scene? I'm surprised he's even watched a movie as "new" as Pulp Fiction

Those Tarantino movies have funny moments, they might influence him. Better safe than sorry

Wouldn't wanna get funny.

"I dont watch old movies" (referencing anything pre-1995) - every dumb person I know

1985-1995 was a great decade for movies imo

People are scared of things like plot and character development and need constant CGI of brave black women defending the World Trade Center.

The shining apocalypse now what else is there?

The majority of movies on this list? http://www.imdb.com/chart/top

Top 8 are mostly in 90s+ bro you got a weak argument right there

It's a top 250 list, not a top 10 list you half-tard.

Anyone who says they don't watch old movies is a low-IQ philistine even ignoring IMBd ratings. Dats a fact.

The first 10 are better than the other 240 bitch beat that you stupid fuck

Right, well as long as you watch those 10 movies you don't need to watch the other 240 good movies or anything else made beyond the last two decades. Gotcha.

You sound like a dumb woman who just killed her baby.

Sam only knows Adam Sandler quotes.

Maybe he can imitate that silly voice again and make Travis laugh.

how long does it take to explain to you that you should stop listening to the show

I only listened today because someone said that Cumio would be. It was a mistake.

there were no wrestlers in it

I didn't know Jim had seen any movies made after 1977

These 2 men are completely fucking clueless.

They have horrendous chemistry.

I’m around Sams age, actually slightly younger & Pulp Fiction is in my top five movies of all time. Sam gets off on thinking he’s the young guy who’s got his finger on the pulse of what’s cool because he spent his career surrounded be 3 middle aged men who are clueless about anything other than their own interests or lack there of. The thing Sam doesn’t realize is he’s more clueless than 90% of people in his age group, for example he acts like some hip-hop expert but has the same generic taste in genre as the whitest sorority girl who’s knowledge starts & stops at Kanye. There are dozens of other examples but the point is that Sam doesn’t know Pulp Fiction not because he is young & that Jimmy is old man, no, Sam doesn’t know Pulp Fiction because he was a sheltered kid who was watching wrestling on Saturday night when other kids were getting laid & getting high. He was like the weird kid in the neighborhood who lived on the block but you never saw him outside of school.

if it doesn't have grown men in their underwear with shiny muscles, throwing each other into ropes, then Sam hasn't seen it

I listened to their show today after taking a long break. It just felt like they had nothing to talk about and they both knew it. They were both nervously trying to come up with things to talk about and making jokes that are the same quality a kind of funny person makes with their friends. It shouldn’t be a show as much as I would’ve liked it to work.

They need Anthony and Jim should just chime in oxassionally when he has something funny to say.

I'm too cool to possibly be autistic

I love how they end up making the German officer that gets the bat the brave good guy and Jew the sadistic murderer.

The majority of movies on this list? http://www.imdb.com/chart/top

You sound like a dumb woman who just killed her baby.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

(The broken clock being you)