6am run club!!!!

4  2017-12-05 by Dennyislife

Up and at it kids. That Christmas booze needs to be worked off before am I right!! Let's hope its not too cold out!!!!! Gee I wish it wasn't so dark outside!!!!


If this was the army, I think I'd be going awol right now.

Just go to bed instead yeah?

Nah, up early not late today, got a busy one.

Might as well start goin' to the gym and eatin' better

I've spent enough time there to know no one in England goes jogging your queer redcoat.

Yeah? https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/1/590x/mo-702477.jpg sure he's actually African but he has a London accent.

4th generation Londoner

Never knew his dad lived here when he was born out there

us normal people are about to go to sleep over here

Fucking foreigners!


You people deserve to have the Muslims take you over with godawful time zones like that.

U fokin wut m8?

And because they are the only true religion.

I'm up at 5 30 am every day to spend an hour and a half in the gym to stop being a great big fat faggot (need to be a great faggot for the holidays.)

Why can't we all just get along?Together we can kill all the vermin muslims.