Why do black people believe in God?

5  2017-12-04 by Lilcumia

Some whites do too but I don't think I've heard of a black non-believer. They don't question it


no atheists in foxholes

They're used to having a master?

I don't but i can't go around telling people that.

Unless you're posting pictures of your cunt, no one is interested in your opinion, ape.

Youre a killjoy. Dont piss in the well.


Guy who tries too hard to fit in and ends up just sounding mean spirited, autistic, and awkward! I was wondering when you'd show up!

Uneducated and low IQ people without much hope in life like having made up saviours out there.

Father figure.

Ant doesn't believe in god.

They don't really believe in God. They believe in lawdy, a mystical entity that has to help them when they are in trouble and invoke his name.

You're joking but this is highly accurate

Blacks essentially live like atheists until something bad happens. Prison Muslims are a perfect example.

Religious people tend to have a low IQ. Black people aren't the smartest. So they are natural allies.

They're also scared of ghosts

And magic tricks

When they used to have Mommas.Moma had switches and would beat your ass.Lordy Lordy praise Jesus.

Blacks are just really stupid. They're basically just kissing ass so they can live in God's place later.

To get to the other side

Don't know where your from but here in NYC I know a bunch of blacks that believe there is no God.

You need to meet more people if you believe this.