Do you remembuuuuh when Joe DeRosa uploaded his hacky electronica hip hop beats to Bandcamp under some shitty name, and then he deleted the entire page and re-uploaded it all a day later with a different band name

42  2017-12-04 by DoctorMarkAllen



No, but it doesn't surprise me. How was he supposed to explain his first upload to his black v friends?


One Song was called * The Devil's Cigarettes*. The opening line was "I smoke the devil's cigarettes, and I drink his wine".

dvv dvvvv dvv

I need to hear this.

I want both my ears to be van gogh'd after that

Buy Now. Heh.

this is why electronic music deserves no respect.

Holy shit that is bad. Sounds like some soulless indie rock shit mixed with low-t middle aged faggotry.

It's been a long time since I felt a full body douche chill. Thank you for that.

Somebody alert the PMRC.

Imagine having this song readily available and walking around. What a fucking embarrassment

I'm trying to work out how much extra douche chill I'm feeling because it's DeRosa vs. someone anonymous and I just heard it randomly.