
51  2017-12-04 by RBuddCumia


"Good luck bro"

goddamn wishy washy crater nigger

Ant needs to be behind the microphone, not in front of a camera. It's the only way he'll reach his potential again.

He LOVES them!

Naaaaah, brother

It infuriates me that he tweets this and then bashes Opie passive aggressively. If ge wished Opie the best, you would not have sold torpid What a pissy eyed faggot he is. Opie has nothing, just be a man ansld say you hate the guy.

I think his truth depends on how drunk he is at the time

Perhaps it’s complicated and not all love or hate.

So, faggotry. I think that's already been covered.

No. It’s about being an adult and having mature, but complicated friendships

Exactly. Faggotry. Why do you make me repeat myself.

The best we can hope for is that he's mocking the half-assed olive branches tits has thrown out. Even if that were the case, fuck him anyway. He'd have to know how it comes across which is all that matters if you're posting to social media with thousands of people reading.

I think your comment suffered some packet loss.

I thought the gloves were off.

And I'm too fucked up for a proper Tyson bite joke

C’mon give it a shot. We’re all waiting.

Depends how much Captain Morgan he has

They're on, and they're fingerless.

I knew rehab would turn him into a faggot

He was a faggot before rehab and besides he never even considered stopping drinking/xanny-ing.

Shots unfired

He knows Opie saved his life. Even tho Opie would never have found the fame he did with Anthony, Anthony needed an Opie to recognize his talents, and also deal with his moody drunk ass. Anthony had to deal with Opie, but Opie gave Anthony his shot. Same with Norton, that pisant is a coat tail riding faggot of the highest order, still funny as chip tho.

It's been said many times. Together they make a great radio show but individually they suck giant cocks and eat shit

Honestly shocked to see anything remotely supporting Opie get upvotes

It's drunk o'clock before going to the job site tomorrow

It's drunk o'clock


Please refrain from overusing this, please sir.

I know there’s a regular joe joke in there somewhere but I can’t think. I smoked a bunch of carfentanyl.

Stop trying to manipulate the hater Brotherman

In a weird way, all 3 of them need each other. None of them work as well solo.

Ant actually said that Opie sending out tapes of them, without Ant even knowing about it, was what got them picked up in Boston initially.

Big shit. He got a communications degree and over the course of those 4 years he actually picked up some aspect of the business side of radio. What does he want a fuckin medal? His dad paid the tuition and tits did what professors told him was the thing to do, which was the thing to do because it was the thing to do. Pocko never would have contemplated it because he was happy to be there. I'm not seeing where the eternal gratitude is supposed to come in.

he brouught fire from the mountain and used it to light ant's stove


What a fucking pussy.

Eat a xanax and tell us what you really think faggot

Yeah, sure. They've had detentes before, these two old queens will be back at it again eventually. Jimmy's taking by far the most shots at Opie nowadays, at any rate.


Perfectly faggoty word for such faggoty behavior.

Opie & Anthony are in love with each other, Jim is in love with a 6'2" Norwegian man and Sam is unable to pleasure his wife.

The downfall of the show has been infinitely funnier than it was. This place is great.

It's really annoying because the hate is genuine. The recent shots he's taken on the Podacast and J&S aren't just something he does to be liked by the fans. It's real, and you know it's real because of the 'cunt won't even look at me' DM. You don't DM a solitary co-worker unless there's genuine hatred there.

Pocky faggot.

Reading this in Tommy Wiseau voice.

This is like the 3rd or 4th iteration of this cycle in 2 years. Make up your minds, faggots.

Magnanimous Ant.

Meanwhile he was up until 3 in the morning openly mocking opie less than a week ago.

Never fell for that "gloves off" bullshit. Anthony has always been a passive little pussy.

The thing about Opie, hate him or not, was that he kept the shit moving. He hogged the mic about with his unfunny observations so that the boys could load up on funny and charge. That was his role, to make them look good. Without that, Ant or Jimmy has to talk all the time like a host. But they should never have left the sidekick roles.

On another note, the world doesn't like "shock jocks" anymore. People would throw the mid 00s O&A off the air. Also radio doesn't really matter anymore.

They fucked up by not launching a podcast of the show when they talked about doing it.

They fucked up by not launching a podcast of the show when they talked about doing it.

Opie did that. He wouldn't have had his producer/intern/management hierarchy that he relied on to be The Radio BigShot his ego needed in order for him to function.

You're probably right. A successful podcast relies on better content and less overhead. Radio relies on complex power structures and just droning. Maybe it wouldn't have worked. Maybe it just had to die. It was a already dead format and concept.

Kept shit moving? He broke the flow like a beaver dam. His incessant need to stop a conversation, stop the funny to go to a retard on the phone was infuriating. He was and is a talentless hack, with an anti-social disorder who lies constantly about inane shit that nobody can believe. He made life miserable for countless people. If he would've quit when the "little cunt" text went thru, the show would've been 10X what it was. He wants to be stern so bad it's sickening, and he doesn't realize that 1 stern has talent, and 2 stern works his ass off. Like him or not (I dont) Stern made it because of perseverance and his persistence to say fuck it all and do his show. Opie (and ant as well) didn't work hard. Showing up unprepared for anything, and tried to make something happen. It worked on a small level, but also got them placed in a closet. Stern was able to work by himself with no staff, Opie can't run a fucking Facebook live show.

This is One Beer Cumia. He's a lot nicer than ol' Ten Beers.

Does anyone even care if mom and dad stop fighting?

That sounds like he's still making fun of Opie tweets.

Aw phony faggot.Get these two drunk would be a hoot.

This is the same guy that ran away while his buddy was getting beat up by two guys. It's just in his character