"I don't need to write down notes, I got a fuckin' steel trap up here."

10  2017-12-03 by TonyFromLongIsland

-- unironic Sam Roberts


Sam is a pretty good example of the Dunning–Kruger effect

He thinks he's intelligent because mummy said so

Incorrect. Dunning and Kruger did not consult Sam Robert's mummy when publishing their research.

This was during one of his rage fits at Denny for being likeable.

Does it matter when most of that steel trap is filled with the results of WWE matches?

Is that what he's calling Prince Alan now?

Your phone cut out.

you sure he didn’t mean steel wool, in reference to his hair?

More like after you have used the steel wool for awhile and it's misshapen and all over the place.

I hope this half a nigger gets raped by a hard as steel trap dick.

Tss tss more like a head of lead or summtin tss tss

I honestly clocked on this thinking this was a tits quote.