Sam's gay brother used to collect beanie babies

15  2017-12-03 by Dennyislife

Sam is the normal son.


ironic, sams gay brothers gay brother collects wrestling figures

It's a coincidence, not irony. FAGGOT!

relax, shitdick

Let's not pretend that Sam's dad is not a fucking wierdo himself.

The greatest treats on earth.

He collects children's bones and configures them into furniture that he sells on eBay.

Sam is the gay brother

He's asexual at best. A giant fag more likely.

im surprised this sub hasnt found him and put him on that summer jam screen

Sams dad has a world class mustache

Its funny that people thought they were going to retire with the value of their collections.

If you invested Beanie Babies in the S&P 500 instead, you would have (bear with me, I'm calculaing rate of return)...boop bee boom...bleep bloop...Sam is a faggot.

The computer doesn't lie, folks. Take it or leave it. NASDAQ!

Is his brother actually a faggot?


Nothing wrong w beanie babies

We live in a world where Sam is not the gay brother in his family. Wrap ur mind around that.

"Used to" means he redeemed hinself then, no?
Besides, lots of little boys like stuffed animals. A rabbit doll is not quite as gay as muscle men in dick-hugging speedos and mustaches.

Yes. He also collected furbies and yo yo's

Probably why he's the spoiled one
