Weekly Free-For-All Thread: December 03, 2017

0  2017-12-03 by AutoModerator

Feel free to use this thread for whatever you would like to discuss this week.

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Fucking die

Earlier this week some Jew did a post saying that he didn't want to die and that he was happy with his life. fuck you!

Shut the fuck up.

(Ha! I ruined that other 1-trick pony guy's bit)

I can't do it anymore. It's your burden now.

gawd dammit, that backfired

I'm cumming in every mod's anus whether you like it or not.

Arrrgh oi ain' no mard but oi fer surely do 'ave an anus so's Oi do. Be a good laddy an' border me via me exitin' ramp arrrgh

I don't get it, is this new character of yours Scottish, or Australian, or just a pirate?

Arrrgh aye arrrgh

The censoring here is becoming like East Germany circa 1980.

My penis size is just fine thank you.

Can I see it?

It looks small because I haven't trimmed my pubic hair in 3 years.

poi nn6 us99use 9th 8m62sones 7 598yu78lo80099976m6uyk5

What's this boyo?

The Holocaust never happened.
Those photos were drummed up as part of a campaign to promote the new fictional movie, Schindler's List.

It happened, it's just that the numbers are GREATLY exaggerated

Two of my relatives were in Auschwitz. From the stories I've heard around the dinner table, most died at the camps due to the deplorable conditions. Basically it was a struggle to stay alive in 1945 if you were free, but if you were locked up in a camp, forget about it. Starvation was ubiquitous.

So were there gassings or not?

Mark Sanchez fell down (said hutt hike) - Butt Fumble Mark Sanchez fell down (said hutt hike) - Butt Fumble

I'd like to take this opportunity to plug my white power band. We cover U2 songs and tour the east coast often.


Everywhere else on reddit it so goddamn weak. You can’t even tell someone to kill themselves anymore without them going through your comment history like a women. Bunch of broads

I don't know. I called this womans daughter a faggot for knowing every line to the 2003 Cat in the hat movie. Then she came out of left field saying her daughter had a stroke last month, as if that changes anything.

tap tap - Is this thing on?

Well, if the daughter can still recite every line in that shit movie AFTER suffering a stroke, that's pretty impressive. I think the mom put you in your place.

I was suspended from the hockey sub for calling someone a "fairy", not even another user, I was making fun of a player

If anyone at work tomorrow starts talking about the weather and how its getting cold in fucking december in the MW, as if that's a fucking shock.. I'll probably shoot myself.

Who wants my 1st edition charizard?

I found my old email and searched through the pictures. Primarily a mix of old girlfriends, a woman from Canada who I thought I was in love with until I met her, and a disaster of a single mom that I fucked a few years ago. A little introspection combined with jerking off has taken up a chunk of my time this weekend, gang.

Now that I'm in my mid 40s and I look back on my life, I don't have many regrets. I have a great job, a wonderful wife and family. If there's one thing I could change about my life, I wish I'd taken more nudes.

Well, of course.



A 10 year old boy I used to teach has sent me a friend request on Facebook. I have no idea how to explain to him that I am a horrific person who just uses social media to drunkenly vent my frustrations with my spiraling-out-of-control miserable life and try to fuck ex-girlfriends until they block me.

Just say hey kid... go fuck yaself

Just try not to fuck him

It happened, it's just that the numbers are GREATLY exaggerated