"Jess has a temper. She was yelling..." "Was she drunk?" "Matt Lauer fucked a woman until she passed out" "Was she drunk or high?" "That guy was an asshole of a boss who was too demanding" "Sounds like a dry drunk"

15  2017-12-03 by CONCHOPETEghostcock

Jim can sound a bit naive...


What do you mean. He's stared addiction in the face and came out the other end in one piece. I wanna see you drink 2 Zimas one after another and survive.


Remember during the Mel Gibson tapes when Jim said he used to sound just like Mel when he was drinking?


I think Jim wasn't even talking about when he was drinking, I think the word 'rage-aholic' was used (addicted to rageahol?!) double yuck!

He got smart with his dad once and ruined the family watching Facts Of Life that evening.

He once rang a doorbell and took off running down the street without even waiting for the person to answer

His impersonation of someone drunk sounds like a DARE kid's imagination.