What's the thing that could happen within the O&A universe to make you stop caring or lose interest about any of this shit?

1  2017-12-03 by [deleted]



a video of jimmy sucking ant and opie off back in 2004

We need to get Jimmy's hard drives..

That would make me go back an relisten to every last thing.

Yeah no shit. Look at how perspective on Opie has changed after the discovery of his narcissism. A bombshell like that would recolor every on-air interaction.

I think once Opie kills himself I'll be satiated & can walk away from this shithole.

Idk, man.. That still leaves, Matarese, Bro Joe, Sherrod, killer Kuhn's dead kid, Ant's rapidly reducing quality of life and confidence, Jimmy's certain death to AIDs..

That'd just bum me out. I'm not a monster.

All I want is for a man to take his own life because he wasn't funny on the radio.

That's fuckin' sick, dude

Jesus fuck. Otto died.

Another 9/11

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I'm bombing really bad today, it's giving me anxiety.

start browsing women saturated subreddits.

I've witnessed no online site is funner than one with absolute retarded womanly opionions

what? Why?

I pretty much already have

I just come here for the dick jokes and cruelty

If O & A came out and started dating one another I think I'd be sufficiently revolted to not care anymore.

Anth with Sue Lightning, Jimmy with Prince Alan, Opie dead (obviously), Materese working at Panera Bread trying to philosophise about being happier, Bro Joe having to play in a cover-band for pocket change. Joe Derosa in a mental hospital, Bill Burr on TMZ with a black eye from his black wife.

I win poweball.