Yet another example of an African American male not taking responsibility for his actions. Sad.

4  2017-12-02 by RBuddCumia


Those people always blame someone one for their actions ...I always report his tweets but not this one this was a stupid tweet to get blocked for

I always report his tweets but not this one

lol! someone has to

"Back" ....great

This emotionally crippled boozer couldn't stand 12 hours away from his faggoty rage diary.

What was the original tweet?

To be fair, you can't wage nuclear war on the city where twitter's headquarters are located. Otherwise, twitter is nuked and ceases to exist, and poor Ant has a meltdown of his own with no tweeting ability.

San Francisco is imploding as we speak.I go there twice a month, the streets are lined with old RV's and campers non of them run.They have a Army of homeless, the police do nothing,because their told not to.