What's the most annoying Reddit phrase?

46  2017-12-02 by GableXX



"Reddit phrase"

Take your upvote and leave

I'll let myself out


Dad, get off reddit. You're drunk.


Came here to say this


Dad, get off my ass. You're drunk.


to shreds you say?


I really hate that one sub where everyone speaks for their doggo and they say "heckin" and "fren." Nigga, if you died at home that dog would eat your fingers in 6 hours.

This is actually the correct answer. Those people are gayer than AIDS.

Dogs love eating human faces

Opie loves eating human feces.

Source is Vice. Fake news

what about "snek" and "pupper"? just curious if those are annoying too

It's all the same.

Excellent question

That shit is all over the football subs. Every nfl team sub has a few of these faggots that dress their girly dog in a team logo sweater and post "the lucky pupper is ready for GameDay! " Die of AIDS all of you

''Username checks out''

You sound like you're fun at parties.

The joke's on them because I'm not

I get that shit every time I go on normie reddit.

I feel your pain

inb4 change our names. Why should we change our names? They're the ones that suck.



ah, fuck...

This makes me so angry.

Fuckin cunts when they say that to me

Who hurt you?

This generation is so tender, if you push back in any way on any stupid shit they are saying, even if it in a completely flat and blasé way, they are going to break down.

I'm so happy we all have gotten his response after appropriately blasting a Redditor faggot. They're so predictable in their dismissive "tell yourself he's just crazy and mean, it can't POSSIBLY be me" argument.

hey reddit, I need your help.

I accidentally a whole sound bar. What should I do? Is this dangerous?



"REMINDER: [unfunny O&A reference]"

as a [insert faggot sect of society]

i have to adult today

\ you dropped this

oh thx ¯(ツ)/¯\

"Hold my beer"

Jews are people too.

I did nazi that coming.

Arrrgh ha harrrgh ha ha arrrgh

Slip in a puddle of scurvy

RIP your inbox

ME: RIP Your moms box FUCKFACE.



My top comment on reddit is now about [x]! Thanks guys!!

PS Battle. Is it!?

I find all these light hearted and joyful.

“Doctor here;” “teacher here;” ;garbage man here;

This one would be better if better people were on Reddit. "Rapist here"

Arrrgh pirate 'ere rapin' be perrfecly legal on the 'igh seas arrrgh

Arrrgh ninja edit for grammarrrgh arrrgh

Can confirm. Am garbage man.

You must a lot of fun at parties.

Bold strategy, Cotton, let’s see if it pays off.

You must be a lot of fun at parties.

Legit think I started that back around 1999 or 2000 in msn/yahoo messenger chatrooms. You're welcome.

it's been redone and redone so many times it's almost a household phrase.

The one that I get a lot and hate is: "wow that's really racist".

Somebody's cutting onion.

I'm not crying, you're crying



All of the “le” shit back a few years ago was horrible.

“Hold my beer” is the worst current one. It should be “hold my glass of warm jigaboo semen”

This is round 2 of hold my beer. That was an old 90s internet thing for awhile.

and that's okay


"Edit: Wow, I can't believe ..." (As if this is their 15 seconds of fame and they're a bonafide e-celeb).

You don't like it when they take a step back and reflect on their oversentimental post as if they won an Oscar?



They use this word for everything now, even gross or degenerate behavior, as long as it's in the context of oozing cute positivity.


My son’s cum tastes funny. Junior, have you been drinking?

Do you want killer robots, cause that's how you get killer robots?

Any time they sing lyrics of a song one line at a time, or try to finish each others catchphrases.

Please upvote so I can find out my opinion.

Came here to say this.

" Arrrgh im popeye tha sailor man arrrgh "

A recent one I spotted on a politics discussion board that really made my blood boil was when someone asked a question a person responded with:

"I'm so glad you asked!"

(((actual explanation)))

"I hope that helps!"

I want that user to be dead.

They need to justify their $140k in (((education))) somehow.

"Dilly dilly" and that stupid pit of misery shit. It's the kind of lame shit you'd hear from those same coworkers that enjoy Amy Schumer specials.

Spelling words that end in a "k" with a "cc"

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sending hugs"

"the ol' reddit something-aroo"

followed by:

"Hold my related thing I'm goin' in..."

This guy fucks.

Stavros: "hell yeah dude hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah"


When one lyric or quote from a movie is mentioned and the following 80 comments are just continuing the lyrics or quotes from the movie

A good number of people on this subreddit.

~ mcmck

Info | Subreddit

“Feels on the bus go round and round”.

First seen in the Louie subreddit discussing an episode. What cunts.

Yes... the fucking word "feels" when used as a noun. "That hit me right in the feels". People fucking suck

That was totally not ok.

It's definitely a thing.

TIL of a somewhat unknown socially conscience minority person from 150 years ago doing something normal.

We did it reddit!

"this sub has no affect on anyones lives"

Ftfy...... thanks bitch, I needed a gay loser to point out my typo.

"says opinion that they think is unpopular"


The opinion is almost always boring shitlib boilerplate anyway.

This thread is possibly the most enraging collection of text I have ever read.

You should try reading the front page that show all the top posts.

"I did a thing"

"I know I'll get downvoted to oblivion for this, but..."

Proceeds to state a generally agreed-upon opinion

"don't understand all the downvotes but w/e"

I hate when they comment back and forth asking for more information on a topic, as if they can't google it themselves. So dependent on redditor lore. "TIL! Can anyone explain why this is???"

You mean like a caller asking when they'll be in their town?


Fucking hate that word.



"This is why I love Reddit"

Always said after some awful chain of puns. Anytime redditors pat themselves on back I get a little sick.

Not a phrase, but every Australian sun is full of faggots and whingers. It might be the easiest place to live and get by, but its nothing but bitching. Also the sports subs where there's no insults, just good natured compliments.



tldr ffy

..OnA fan checking in

“I did NAZI that one coming”

the feels on the bus go round and round



Hanging out on reddit

Yeah...if the pictures are anything to go by i wouldn't associate myself with the rest of this site.

The worst part of all of this is that basically nobody uses these gay phrases in the real world, so a vast majority of these dickheads had to have come here, gotten the faggy vibe of all of these generic comments, and then started regurgitating them themselves because they think it's cool.

ELI5 is pretty annoying

"I'd give you gold if I could"

Then just shut the fuck up, give a like and move on..

What about 'wow that really went places"

I fucking hate this site.

Guys who go "definitely NOT a pedophile."