If Carl Ruiz really does lurk here, then he should facilitate a true AMA between this sub and Opie.

3  2017-12-02 by TangerineReam

It can't get any worse for Tits then it is right now, outside of Lynsi leaving him and Opie truly having cancer. So why not? Make it happen u/CarlRuiz, and maybe the abuse coming your way will stop...

He's been hated every day since July 2014. Maybe the AMA could be the bridge-building beginning he needs, or it could just turn into same shit/different day. He can't really lose here, and he has everything to gain.

Why not?


Shut the fuck up about the 50 year old millennial.

Why not?

Because we're famished monsters who haven't had a decent bit of grub ever since we gobbled up Big Amy and Joe.

Besides, building a gingerbread house and inviting a feebleminded starry-eyed manchild to the feast wouldn't satisfy us even if it did work.

He's got nothing to gain except the respect of a bunch of degenerate nobodies. We're the only people who knows who he is and we rightly view him as a shitty cartoon character.

If he does come here he must have started recently. He won people over on Twitter by having a sense of humor. But back when Opie Raqio was still on he would get shit on as bad as Opie and Sherrod, so he'd hate us like Opie hates us.

He was hated before July 2014 ya know

Carl will play the role of Prop Joe and organize a parlay between The Opester and this subreddit, its kinda of a genius idea honestly.

It would tweak all of our nips if that happened, because we can destroy him in real time, or - and this is a very slim chance- we can all make some headway together.